The BBC above all others has reduced itself to he degraded status of a state prostitute, bending over to receive and transmit the lies channelled to it by the corrupt and corrupting president and regime in Kiev.
The transmission of lies has brought the BBC in particular to the lowest possible state of venality that a so-called news broadcasting entity can reach.
There is now not the least attempt to present any other than the Ukrainian viewpoint in the conflict now raging, stimulated by complete western intransigence regarding Russia’s security needs.
More than any other so-called news outlet in the West the BBC has thrown all its previous pretensions regarding impartiality aside. No doubt its executive branch would say there IS no other side. But there is ALWAYS another side. And increasing numbers across the western world have become aware of this in recent years. No one has any excuse not to inform themselves of the reality below the political rhetoric that has increasingly been transmitted raw by western mainstream press and media.
In years past there was some reason to trust mainstream press and media in the western world, there were at least a few outstanding investigative journalists within these fields that could be trusted to look closely, deeply and with a high degree of honesty at whatever situation confronted them and report the details without fear or favour. Seymour Hersh was one such and Robert Fisk of the United Kingdom. These men had built their reputation on good, unbiased reporting that was eminently worth reading to gain insight into whatever issue was being investigated. Britain still has one great investigative journalist in Australian-born John Pilger, however he is largely sidelined by mainstream press and media now.
Since 9/11 western mainstream media was cowed into a supplicative form of state servant, called to official state briefings, embedded with troops during the West’s wars and encouraged to see itself as just another elite service alongside the state it was supposed to report on and keep honest. In this present conflict between Russia and Ukraine/NATO we can see how this process has reached its final and dismal conclusion. The serried ranks of western politicians stand shoulder to shoulder with its press and media executives, commentators, observers and so-called journalists. You could not get a cigarette paper between them.
So we have a western public ranting and raving to order, encouraged to any level of abuse against Russia and Russians by a print-based and TV report-based cattle prod of misinformation and bare-faced lies. A totalitarian state akin to that envisaged by George Orwell in his novel ‘1984’ stares a gulled western public in the eyes while it stares back, wide-eyed discerning only the great holy elite oracle that conveniently supplies all its beliefs in its 24 hour daily news cycle.
Memes and tropes that concentrate on ‘the Other’... that is always ‘over there’... The ‘Unrepentant & always evil Enemy’... keeps things simple and simplistic for the image-rabid, mortally brain-wounded population of the West who bray, bark and weep to order, forever supporting the onward march toward World War III.