First posted 29th January 2022.
Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has a major problem. Not only is it almost impossible to debate the issues with people like Tony Blinken or any of the other U.S. representatives due to them continuing to avoid the issues, there also remains the final hurdle that needs to be faced, that of trust.
Trump showed just how temporary a U.S. agreement can be when he summarily reneged on the Iran Nuclear Deal. In addition he forced back into operation the restrictions on Cuba that Obama had reduced. Trump also reversed the Obama decision not to send lethal weaponry to Ukraine in case it exacerbated the violence there. This is the kind of quixotic decision-making that makes a nonsense of U.S. claims for itself of being a responsible player on the world stage.
This is without even mentioning the disastrous and murderously bloody and often counter-effective regime change wars often based on obvious lies and propaganda that the U.S. has waged in recent years.
So, can anything U.S. political representatives say be trusted to last longer than a few years if at all?
I suspect not.
The reason I say this is not only because of the past record of the USA reneging on its promises. I believe there is a far more serious and even more intransigent reason underlying all others.
For me this underlying reason why deceit, subterfuge and using betrayal as a weapon have become all too common is a relatively simple one.
The rot really began to set in after 9/11. Until then the U.S. did of course use interference across the world for its own narrow self-interest, but after 9/11 we saw a completely new and hugely widened framework for what weapons could be used in an ever more widely campaign of interference globally.
Those weapons were whatever was found effective. As we saw, military attacks and invasions were used initially. But as these proved extremely expensive and not as effective as first envisaged other methodologies came into use. Of course at the time of these wars we began to see the adherence to a degree of moral and ethical behaviour degrade. Black Sites were created where torture took place. And we will all surely recall what occurred at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and know with certainty that this was only the tip of the iceberg regarding many other atrocities committed in the name of safeguarding America.
Since the time of the Vietnam war U.S. elites have made great strides in taming the journalistic profession (which acted as a largely anti-war device during the final years of that war). The press and media would be 'embedded' with U.S. troops and given 'briefings' on what they 'needed to know'. This neutralising process was carried forward with ever-greater effectiveness until the press & media corps eventually became simply another elite arm of American foreign policy. This was a vital requirement that would greatly assist in the deceiving of American and western populations in future.
The wars the USA is waging now whether via proxies like the Saudi Arabian elites or via those of Ukraine are more or less invulnerable to questioning as western press and media are fully compliant and 'on board', linked as they inextricably are with their fellow elites within the western security state apparatus.
So, with the 'facts' and the 'truth' sewn up through their compliant news networks and their own people thoroughly conditioned never to gainsay or question these 'facts' and 'truths' the U.S. foreign policy establishment was ready to undermine and even prohibit in many cases any questioning of those 'facts' and 'truths'. Thus the western powers came to be the most proficient and prevalent purveyors of 'fake news' on geopolitical situations such as those pertaining to both Yemen and most significantly, Ukraine.
'Facts' and 'Truths' that omit important elements of the Ukrainian conflict and begin narratives at the most optimum point for the western agenda mean that no dialogue can take place with the nation that has full awareness of those omitted facts and truths that should legitimately be part of the timeline. What kind of useful debate can Lavrov have with his U.S. counterparts when they remain completely blind to events before a certain date and the effect of those events which run counter to their chosen narratives?
These are the additional reasons why U.S. diplomats (so-called) cannot be trusted an inch. Their minds run on a different timeline and context than truly exists. Their self-conditioning is airtight and no questioning of the belief-bubble they exist in as a tightly-knit group is allowed for a second. Anyone so madcap as to do so would be cancelled immediately and of course those remaining are not madcap at all and so remain tightly bound by the rules of the game.
So we have an insane circus of the blind and utterly myopic, fixed minds dedicated to the goals set after 9/11 of full spectrum dominance and the total elimination of leaders of any nations and systems of governance not fully in compliance with American demands of obedience to its patrician rule.
Lavrov has been given the job of successfully circumventing and surmounting a class of politician that has every weapon, no matter how unethical, immoral or deceiving it may be to undermine, attack, betray and confuse any attempt to find a diplomatic pathway through to some mutually beneficial agreement. The goal is to defeat, not to establish a dialogue. To betray rather than befriend, to divide and dismay rather than debate, to confuse and dodge the issue rather than seek a clear path to any mutual understanding.
In short, those who wish to negotiate with the most untrustworthy, mendacious and misleading political elites this world has ever seen truly have no earthly chance of success. It is a problem with no solution except a robust confrontation and the establishment of a united political and military front against those who choose to be so wilfully blind and who remain dedicated to war though pretending to wish peace.
Hmmmmm first posted in 2022 😘