It has all the attributes of a theatrical farce except those taking part give every appearance of being deadly serious. To hear them speak, the West is populated by elites who are the noblest of human beings, saintly figures who only want the best for everyone and are selfless to a fault.
This nonsense of course is belied somewhat by their indulgence in mass murder justified by a pack of lies in recent times. Yet the characters we see and hear espousing on the iniquities of Russia and China can carry on with their sanctimonious verbiage as if they were not party to an elite who ravaged multiple nations a few short years ago.
But Russia that refused to go along with the series of bloody attacks and invasions that left hundreds of thousands dead and a multi-nation trail of devastation and fragmentation generating the rise of ISIS, is somehow the greatest threat to the planet since Nazi Germany?
How could anyone swallow such horse shit? Yet certainly among the upper echelons of political and mainstream media in the West, it appears that such self-serving nonsense is regarded as holy writ.
You won’t find anyone from the street interviewed regarding the geopolitical issues which so-called experts and political leaders of the West pontificate upon. This may provide the only clue you need to resolve the question of why we get an interminable verbal lambasting of “evil Russia” and “saintly West” on western mainstream media. Such talking heads are the result of careful if subtle screening.
As Noam Chomsky wryly pointed out, if they held different views to those they do they would have been weeded out in the first few occasions when they put themselves forward as candidates for the job.
What we are seeing is the insidious bias of an elite privileged class who know which side of their bread is buttered to use that classic colloquial phrase. These are people who know better than to rock the boat. They know what the acceptable narratives are and what are certainly not. In the certainly not category are those which feature job losses or at best ostracisation, demotion, a career standstill and ejection from the cosy peer group they climbed the greasy ladder to join. Who wants that when you have kids to get through Uny and a certain lifestyle to support?
That important, even life and death issues, are at stake, is of vastly lesser importance to such people, if they are of any importance at all. They have long been cynical about all that. They without doubt justify their complete lack of integrity with a few short phrases they keep telling themselves to avoid confronting what prostitutes they are now when they once had some ideals. Their mentalities in this respect will be so opaque that even if you tell them that they are actively putting people’s lives at stake and even risking nuclear war by their distortions they will rage at you in faux offence.
Talk of Putin, Russia, Xi or China to such people and you will see their minds grind into action to convey memes where conspiracies of evil dwell, malign forces plotting, dangerous intentions, plans and tactical deceptions and all manner of untrustworthiness. On the other side of the coin, ask about NATO, U.S. or UK elites, the armies of those nations or EU leadership regarding foreign policy. You will hear only sober assessments of their noble pursuits and qualities as guardians of all that is righteous. And if these canards are repeated endlessly and flow directly into gullible or careless ears what is the result?
In general, the populations of the UK and EU are less gullible and likely to be more sceptical of what they hear on mainstream media or other elite and generally bought sources. However, the population of the USA presents us with a different case entirely. A recent poll found that over 50% of North Americans now favour the USA waging war against both Russia and China. Poor Ukraine, poor Taiwan and poor us, interfered with, invaded and/or under attack by the devils endlessly said to be dangerous devils who want to murder all decent people in their beds.
This is the endpoint of all the cynical and self-serving lies that demonise the target individuals Putin and Xi and the nations they lead. A willingness to engage in nuclear wars leading to millions of deaths and unlimited destruction on all sides. The hate and loathing, the fear and anger whipped up by constant tropes designed to sell product, screen time and political aspiration all lead to a world at war. What kind of individuals are these that can stoop to such levels of group thought and action for the sake of their income, careers or sales statistics?
This is where we find ourselves. On a suicidal slope downward to a post-truth society where only black and white are acknowledged or possible talking points, a totally divided world where reason plays little to no part and ideological and political allegiance hold complete sway. This in those whose eye is only on the pursuit of personal ambition and career path.
Heaven help us if this is taken to its ultimate conclusion because in the absence of truth we are all onboard the same juggernaut to oblivion. And it will certainly not be Russia that took us there.