The USA has always found it profitable to bully, threaten, cajole and punish weaker nations into accepting its needs as paramount.
And how many nations are more powerful than the USA? The answer is of course none.
Every nation on the planet is therefore subject to the will of the United States, or resists it.
Those who need no encouragement to support the USA and do its will have many reasons for doing so.
Take Britain for instance. Britain has always seen its own benefit as tied to that of the USA since losing it as a colony. An entire book could no doubt, and probably has been, written about the motivations of successive British governments. Safe to say they will constitute several diverse areas, the majority we can safely presume are to do with the general area of finance, trade, security and power.
The USA seeks allies like Britain for its own reasons. The reasons will parallel those above which Britain finds attractive, plus several more linked to the perceived destiny of successive U.S. governments to transform the world in various ways, mostly into its own image and subservient to it.
Other allies of the USA while seeking financial gains through trade and other reasons linked to those speculated upon above have other needs even more historically relevant than those of Britain and in terms of somewhat more recent history. These are the nations of Europe.
Lastly we have more farther flung allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel where the connections are more tenuous in terms of trade but very strong in terms of security and an additional aspect (also found in the U.S.-UK-Europe alliance) information transfer regarding the last category of nations described below.
The final category are those nations that have not yet succumbed to accepting that their best interests lie in complying with the demands of the USA as described in my opening sentence above;
‘The USA has always found it profitable to bully, threaten, cajole and punish weaker nations into accepting its needs as paramount.’
These nations are resistant to U.S. demands, preferring to remain unaligned and sovereign, free to make independent decisions on how they are governed, how they make their alliances and determine their own foreign policy, rather than by demand of the USA or its allies.
Such countries include China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia and several others.
The USA remains for the moment the most dominant nation of all. By reason of its also very powerful allies it will remain so for a considerable number of years to come. Through its manipulative ability through its allies in the UK, Europe and elsewhere, also including NATO it retains massive power to drive goals forward and steer others in its most favored direction.
Through this power to shape the agenda of the western world the U.S. that the has, and through the willingness of the western world’s mainstream media to channel its chosen narrative toward chosen goals, western populations are swayed in its favor and inclined to accept its dominance and leadership for the most part.
The majority consensus in the western world then is to incline quite strongly to accepting that the USA acts for the good of those within the western world. In regard to the elites of that world of course they incline almost to a man and woman to that view.
So what is the USA doing with all this collective power?
It is seeking to bring all those nations listed above as resistant to U.S. demands into the fold.
To once again reiterate, this is what the U.S. has as its goal:
‘The USA has always found it profitable to bully, threaten, cajole and punish weaker nations into accepting its needs as paramount.’
And what might those needs of the USA be? What are the primary needs at least?
1. Security
The 9/11 events caused all U.S. elites to exaggerate even more an already existent deep mistrust of foreigners. In addition, though held at a subconscious level in most cases, the past manipulations, interferences, attacks, atrocities, assassinations, coups and military occupations to the detriment of other nations, had created an underlying fear of future blowback.
The determination was made to create a surge to make the world safe for America. This became known as ‘The War on Terror’. This surge, at first restricted to the Middle East has since expanded to cover all nations in the listing of those resistant to U.S. demands above.
2. Resources
The hyper-capitalist and highly materialist society of the USA requires massive resources. It consumes far more per capita than any other nation. It needs to be assured of a stable and trustworthy supply chain at all times and it needs to be able to assure itself that those who supply those resources will not seek to do it harm by refusing them.
Nations in the in the listing of those resistant to U.S. demands are seen as not fulfilling the necessary requirements in this category as well as those in category 1.
3. Trade
The USA needs to maintain a strong trading balance sheet, this despite special treatment by the world’s financial establishment. Until now the USA’s ballooning financial debt has not been a major problem in the servicing of that debt as the basic fundamentals of U.S. manufacturing and the profits arising from it, are seen as strong. In addition the Petrodollar as the world’s primary trading currency maintains its dominant status in the world of international commerce.
Nations resistant to U.S. hegemony, unwilling to do as they are demanded to by the USA, are also likely to be resistant to one degree or another to goods and services having their source there or in allies linked to it.
In Iran for example you will find very few businesses, including banks, with ties to the USA or the West. Though the situation varies widely from one nation to the next (China and Russia being primary exceptions) many nations in the resistant list prefer their own home grown businesses and industries.
4. Influence
One of the most important tools to engender enhanced U.S. national security, continued access to resources and the expanding of its trading prospects is its ability to manipulate other nations, individuals, organizations, geopolitical events and environments in its favor.
For its influence to be maintained and expanded for all the important reasons in its own interest above the U.S. must constantly work to ensure its overarching policy goals are reflected in all allied nations, in all their important governmental institutions and in as broad a fashion permeating allied societies as possible.
Those nations, individuals and entities resisting the U.S. demands are therefore a problem to be solved for the USA. They do not allow any takeover of their institutions whether they be governmental or corporate via laws which prohibit such influence to be created. Many refuse to countenance the type of democracy that would allow infiltration backed by U.S. money (supplied by western NGOs for instance). Therefore these nations present a challenge to U.S. self-interest.
There are no doubt many other important needs that the USA sees as vital to its interests but the four above will suffice I believe to indicate the primary motivators for the activities of the USA that are the main subject of this commentary:
For the USA it is imperative for all the reasons given above that the nations resistant to its demands be transformed into allies of one of the types listed at the head of this commentary.
They must be made to realize that until they do so they will be attacked by one means or another until they do so.
The ongoing example of Venezuela serves well to demonstrate the point. As one of the low-hanging fruit Venezuela presents what was clearly thought to be an easy case for transformation. All manner of financial constraints were placed on the nation. A campaign, including weaponizing humanitarian aid was begun along with a plethora of articles from compliant western mass media and missives of support from 50 or so U.S. allies in support of a would be quisling to take the place of the president there. Sanctions and the threat of armed intervention were designed to bring the country to its knees and submit. However, such was the response of the citizenry there that the nation largely united against all threats and does so to this day.
Venezuela however is only one of the many target nations the USA and its allies wish to bring to heel.
Iran, Syria, Cuba, Nicaragua and the others listed elsewhere are similar targets where sometimes similar, sometimes divergent tactics are used to create maximum chaos within them in order to initiate the transformation the U.S. desires.
In Ukraine a common tactic was used whereby dissidents, malcontents, the greedy, the ambitious, the corrupt, idealistic and criminal were all banded together and encouraged to unseat their democratically-elected representatives through violent riot and insurrection.
This final coup in Ukraine was accomplished whereas an earlier one known as 'The Orange Revolution’ failed. The USA, once it has set itself a goal rarely gives up and goes home, but simply keeps pushing until its wrecking ball tactics work.
This has recently been tried in Belarus with less successful results.
It has been tried in Iran in past years also and failed. Since that time various false issues, fake narratives spawning sanctions, plus ongoing work within the country with the same variety of dissidents as in Ukraine has continued.
In regard to Russia all the usual disruption and chaos-creating playbooks have been in use for almost two decades now. It is a case of almost ‘all-of-the-above’ methodologies being brought to bear. She is still standing however and of course the USA is intensifying its activities in response. Russia is the secondary target that the USA requires to transform however.
All transformation operations continue in parallel with detailed planning continually progressed in real time responding to every nuance, manipulating media in regarded to the seeding of negative story lines, contacts and financing of dissidents, activists and operatives, subversives, spies, honey traps and cut outs, campaigns and maneuvers and every manner of lever and pressure tool in operation 24/7. Russia, as was the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, is the focal point of teams amounting to tens of thousands and millions of man hours per month.
Yet Russia is not the ultimate prize. That falls to China.
China is the primary barrier to U.S. global hegemony.
China stands in the way of many of the USA’s most coveted goals. The primary one being the full spectrum dominance of the planet.
China, with her growing prowess in the field of information and telecommunications technologies including artificial intelligence, presents itself as the greatest resistance threat to its overall domination that the USA could possibly have. No other nation comes close.
Until recently China has been left largely alone, partly because the USA and the entire western world relied on it to bail them out after the catastrophic financial collapse of 2007-08. But now the USA’s goal of overarching global hegemony is receding from it rather than being steadily approached as expected. Covid-19 has thrown an enormous spanner into the USA’s regime change works. Now the timeline planned for it off by a major factor. Now events must be hastened forward and the undermining of all target nations be achieved with much less deniability as to methods. The regime change attacks are of necessity becoming more obvious, the lies more blatant and the use of military might much more likely to be seen.
The situation is so desperate now with regard to simply shoring up western geopolitical dominance, never mind expanding it to global proportions, that all previous caution is being abandoned. The unthinkable is now being considered and I suspect up to and including the use of tactical nuclear weapons if all else fails.
China is now realizing that its policy of keeping its head down and simply seeking to expand trade in the hope of staying largely unnoticed and uninterfered with is no longer tenable. The Chinese authorities realize they will have to stand up and fight for her continued existence as a free and sovereign nation.
The USA is beginning to leap from one stepping stone to another and even leaping over some to bypass them to come back to later in full force. For it knows it’s China that must be brought to chaos in its vital interests. It is China that presents the greatest barrier to its supreme goal that it has no doubt it MUST achieve or die trying. The elites of the USA are engaged in an all-or-nothing war to achieve total security that they believes they can only find within an all-encompassing and unassailable global hegemony.