A house divided against itself cannot stand
The people of the USA just can’t seem to get along.
Look at the country. It’s tearing itself apart.
What’s going on?
Ironically, this country that’s coming apart has elites who tell the rest of us we must copy its "perfection".
The devil is not in the detail this time… it’s in the division.
There are many factors contributing to the chaos occurring in America.
Most of the factors involve division in some shape or form.
America has a society strictly divided into social classes with a large minority of wealthy elites who use the law to protect themselves from the underclass they sniff at all around them. Whether that underclass is criminal or merely poverty-stricken and uncool they will continue to avoid them like the plague and use security systems to divide themselves from them. Each financial class guards itself from the one below down to the ultimate drug-ridden underclass that control the mean streets of America.
Without money in America you are nothing... or at least regarded as nothing. You are identified by your appearance which denotes your status. This is an even greater divide than the one above as it is ubiquitous in every American mind all the time. Others are competitors and potential enemies. Assessments are continual and as much subconscious as conscious. Trust is in short supply when you must always be on the lookout for those not like you who present a potential danger to you. The mind constantly works overtime scanning faces and clothes, identifying risks and alerting the brain to the need to move this way and that to avoid connecting with misfortune.
The racism in America runs deep. It is embedded in the souls of the majority white population. Those affected would most likely energetically deny they are racist. Many will assume racism means active denial of the same rights to people of color as to those a whiter shade of pink. They would not even know their attitudes were racist because they never inspect them, their attitudes and acts of avoidance however mark them as deeply racist because the society is set up to be so. The divisions of racism go deep into the subconscious and are denied while being constantly applied.
Much of the American police force is rooted in a fascistic macho mentality, even more so since Obama authorized the use of ex-military gear and weaponry. Put a simple uniform on someone and you will see their personality change immediately. Make that uniform mirror the black tactical gear of special forces with Kevlar invulnerability, add sophisticated handguns and a culture of cold-blooded, testosterone-fueled, fascist-minded callousness and you soon get an 'us and them' aura over a personality. An unfeeling brutish reliance on aggression as the best and constant solution. Add in the shared stories of “heroic” beatings given to hapless black victims in the locker room with attendant hilarious laughter and you get a culture divided from the districts and communities they police.
In the past there was a divide between the two main political parties that ran roughly across the various differentiations of class. The Republicans were for corporate America, for the continued domination of Wall Street. The Democrats were supposedly for the workers, for their rights and those of the underprivileged. The Democrats have now moved to outflank the Republicans, increasingly becoming the noxious plaything of the liberal elites, with regime change, preemptive strikes and the condemnation of whistleblowers being core “values”. The divide between the parties is wider than ever in the wake of the Trump era. Unity is a distant and clearly unattainable prospect with partisan divisions now having become totally ingrained.
Each element in American society appears to be fighting every other element and there is clearly no limit to the desire for supremacy of each faction and therefore no limit to the extent of the division between them.
The result is chaos and an anarchy of demands that threaten to undermine what little stability remains in the country. When everyone demands that they get what they want then no one gets what they want. It’s as simple as that. Without a degree of unifying agreement you simply get endless division, ongoing aggression and perpetual conflict.
The USA does not constitute a sustainable society, never mind anything approaching a model one. It is an example of how NOT to proceed in so many ways.
Nations that are relatively unified hold the key to sustainability and future success. They can so much more easily coordinate better economic and social outcomes for themselves. Agreement on basic principles comes more easily, a firm foundation on which to grow and prosper is available. Without such a foundation, forward movement becomes erratic and often retrograde steps are taken leading to endemic levels of chaos.
Both Russia and China are nations unified across major aspects of social, religious and political life. General agreement upon important principles makes possible society-wide forward-thinking impossible in nations tearing themselves apart due to diverse ambitions, beliefs and notions of exclusive rights and privileges.
The USA by contrast with both Russia and China is a nation at war with itself.
And the devil is very definitely in its division.