Cut the crap. Name those who are so clearly guilty.
The three national elites who preach to others about their flaws, faults and human rights abuses are those who are most guilty of the crimes they name.
Those of North America, Great Britain and Israel are clearly the specialists when it comes to recent acts of mass murder.
Happily for these criminal elites the organizations and entities that they might fear if they were neutral have been cowed into compliant sheep, herded into obedient pens to suit western interests.
To be able to commit mass murder based on lies and then be almost completely immune from criticism never mind punishment is quite a trick. The primary authors of mass slaughter in the Middle East have found that no action of any kind was taken against them. George W. Bush and Anthony Blair suffered no negativity of any kind from their fellow elites and felt no need to apologise to anyone. Indeed by the absence of any criticism, they felt emboldened to assert they were right and would do it all over again.
By asserting their saintly purpose after having spoken to God, Bush and Blair indulged their deranged instincts to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity that no Russian or Chinese president or premier minister would ever hear the last of if they did such a thing. That is one of the greatest benefits of living in the western world if you are one of its elites. You have complete immunity from punishment, murder, torture, steal, subvert all you like… because you are sanctified by the never-wrong mythos of the western world, you are imbued with rectitude even when you are totally and heinously wrong.
In similar style, the political elites of Israel are similarly imbued with the western world’s blessing of immunity from criticism, judgement or punishment. They, like their compatriots in the West, always have an ‘out’, an escape clause and self-serving justification which the nodding dog elites of the West always acknowledge. They can slaughter civilians indiscriminately knowing that their brethren in the West will refrain from any meaningful criticism apart from some symbolic ‘tut-tutting’ that signifies nothing more than a tiny degree above total silence. Usually even this is missing and the weasel words about Israel having the right to “defend” itself will be trotted out.
These three, the USA, UK and Israel are quite obviously the three mass-murdering criminal nations that stand out for their regular aggression and use of extreme violence. They are also the three least known for diplomacy or any true effort to find a way through to agreements and solutions using non-violent means. This is chiefly due to their ideologies of superiority, their self-awarded statuses of exceptionalism which arguably merge with a particularly ugly form of hypocrisy that is indistinguishable from fascism.
The USA was born out of the most bloodthirsty genocide and acts of mass murder from the basis of overwhelming power against a native people ever seen. In a very short time thereafter it was inflicting a regime of abject slavery on yet another race, violently wrenching them from their homes to die on the journey or be made to work like animals on their farms.
The so-called “Great” Britain gained much of its riches by similar techniques and practices after previous acts of piracy whereby they enriched themselves first through slavery and then by colonialism.
The elites of Israel conducted a terrorist campaign against both the Palestinians and the British using extreme violence to push both out of Palestine and steal it for themselves. They then proceeded to exile Palestinians and exploit those remaining as cheap labour. In recent decades they have committed multiple genocidal attacks on them indiscriminately killing civilian men, women and children in huge numbers while western elites either spoke into their hands or said nothing at all.
Yet, having said all of the above, these three nations and the elites who occupy top positions within them talk as if they are global saints rather than sinners. They present themselves as the godly saviours, pure as the driven snow in their intent who stand in judgement on others regarding human rights as if their own heinous crimes are a figment of some overactive imagination. All their crimes are written out of history for their convenience and in tandem, erased from their minds as too limiting regarding future acts of violence they will soon be excusing themselves for.
Those living in the western world have been fed constant propaganda via their mass media by so-called news entities such as CNN and the BBC who are nothing more than accessories to murder. That their propaganda is subtle does not make it any less propaganda. Its pervasiveness and constantly repeated message of western elite probity and good faith has soaked deep into U.S., UK and Israeli consciousness. Both the political elites and those of their mass media work in combination and are equally guilty of the mass murder they agree upon.