The United Nations as an entity promoting a multipolar solution to the world’s problems of inter-state disputes and real or potential violence is incompatible with the requirement of the United States to be global hegemon.
After 9/11 the USA finally concluded that only by becoming supreme governor of the planet could it be assured of the future safety of its people. This put it in direct competition with, and essentially at war with, the United Nations. The elites of the USA had long resented what they often saw as the interference of the UN in world affairs, disagreeing fundamentally with many of the decisions made by it over the years. After 9/11 however, this irritation at its plans and goals sometimes being blocked by the UN developed into an active desire to effectively eliminate it as an overarching power and replace it with the USA’s preeminent dominance and surveillance powers.
Subsequently several concepts were developed which would be emphasized far above the multipolar-emphasizing precepts of the UN. The primary concept was that of an ‘International Rules-Based Order’ with those rules being decided upon by the United States and its allies, primarily the United Kingdom. These rules were to reflect ‘Liberal Western Values’ as opposed to the more diffuse values as exhibited through the expression of multipolar ambitions via the UN.
It has become clear since 9/11 and the driving subsequent need for the elites of the USA to establish itself as global hegemon, monitoring, controlling and disciplining the world to maintain its complete security, that their requirements were in direct conflict with the founding principles of the United Nations.
Without making the goal explicit (which would cause massive controversy) it is surely quite obvious that the USA’s requirements as stated above would necessitate and the sidelining and downplaying of the United Nations previous role.
Post 9/11 the elites of the USA concluded that they would need total and unbridled freedom to attack, undermine and eliminate all entities displaying any aversion to their dominance. No barriers were acceptable or to be countenanced regarding America’s global reach and power to reach out and eliminate any and all real or potential threats to it. The power of the United Nations to present any such barrier must therefore be eliminated. And so it has been to greater or lesser extent ever since.
This to me represents a somewhat hidden but surely and clearly, a very real war waged by the USA against the United Nations since 9/11. That the targets set for regime change are all located within the UN is another factor and in recent decades we can see how the forum of the UN designed to promote peace and reconciliation between nations has been used by the USA and UK as one to wage verbal war against certain targets, chief of these being Russia, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and increasingly China.
How the USA’s war against its regime change targets, some of whom are name above and how it plays out in regard to the United Nations is uncertain. We have yet to see the ultimate end game arrive. However, recent calls by Ukraine to have Russia removed from the Security Council and the fairly obvious existence of U.S. elites controlling overall Ukrainian tactical planning and control appear to be significant within this context.
What future events may be planned which could potentially bring about not only the exit of Russia but also the USA’s peer rival, China from the Security Council? It would appear quite obvious that whereas Ukraine was seen as Russia’s Achille’s heel, that of China is Taiwan.
The globally diverse members of the multipolar-expressed United Nations may or may not realize it, though many, perhaps most, must surely have an inkling of it, that in a very real sense the USA is at war with them due to its 9/11-decided goal of establishing its supreme dominance as the sole, unipolar power.