Despite all the spin, propaganda, wishful thinking and downright deceit of western mass media hopefully there are certain differences in approach that most readers will recognise below.
As Russia moves ever closer to taking the Donbass completely under its control the Kiev regime mounted their most unadvised offensive to date, the ill-fated incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. These two campaigns could not be more different, nor could the general policies of the Ukrainian and Russian high commands.
What are the primary differences between the tactics and general approach of the Russians and the Ukrainians?
The most obvious difference is that while Russia sticks to getting the job done through a campaign of steady, relentless attrition of the Ukrainian forces Zelensky insists on tactics that he thinks have some public relations benefit rather than anything truly strategic. While Russia is inexorable in its well-planned campaign, Zelensky’s is hit and miss, and as we have seen with his major offensive last summer and the current Kursk campaign, the misses greatly predominate, almost exclusively in fact.
The Kiev regime, having unhindered access to a totally willing and fully compliant western mass media, can spin lies to its dark heart’s content knowing they will be transmitted as the Gospel truth, Holy writ for distribution to western populations groomed to believe every word by their politicians. Russia on the other hand is held to account by a lively environment where critics of Russian military tactics abound, many calling for far more strident action from the Russian military. This is especially true on the Telegram social media platform where Russian tactics come in for heavy criticisms from Russian netizens.
Despite being massively funded, trained and armed by the western/NATO powers the Ukrainian regime and army run through everything at lightning speed, run out of both and then plead for ever more. For many months now the Ukrainian army has seen depleted stocks of munitions while corruption among the Kiev elites siphons off millions, perhaps even billions monthly. Russia outguns the Ukrainians due to the massive difference in capacity to supply speedily and efficiently to the front and thereby ensure constant access to a continual supply of munitions.
Regarding manpower, one of the most significant differences between the Ukrainian and the Russians, Ukraine is lagging significantly behind its needs. Struggling to replace losses to death and grievous injury on the line of contact the Kiev regime has taken to kidnapping Ukrainian men on the street and frogmarching them into service and quickly despatching them to the front. These are the men in the Pokrovsk front in the Donbass who are currently putting up minimal and in some case, no resistance. The toll of death and injury of the Ukrainian side is running somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 per day. In comparison Russian losses of both kinds are far lower as the great advantage Russia has in troop numbers, battle-hardened professionalism and munitions means they suffer far fewer losses.
Russia has air superiority despite efforts by the USA and EU nations to add to Ukrainian air power. Whether the addition of F16 fighter jets to Ukraine’s vastly depleted air force has yet to be seen, though even western military experts aligned with Ukraine say the effect will be minimal and will not significantly alter the ultimate outcome of the war.
Ukraine has had to make significant use of mercenary forces along with the additional support of troops from NATO countries absent their customary uniforms. Russia, with an average total of volunteers requesting to join the Russian Armed Forces does not require such assistance. On average around 1,000 Russians volunteer to recruitment offices for the Russian military each day. These recruits receive at least 6 months intensive training and then only gradually and for short periods are introduced to the rigors of the battlefront.
Ukraine’s economy is in freefall and in recent weeks its condition as a massively indebted nation has merited its situation has merited it being reduced to a status of imminent default. Ukrainians at all levels are seeking to leave Ukraine, abandoning it to its fate to seek a better life elsewhere. Home industries are failing and collapsing due to Ukrainians having far less disposable income along with the virtual collapse in some areas of the electrical power supply. Russia on the other hand has an increasingly robust economy with entrepreneurial innovation at ever greater heights and lifestyle chances constantly improving for its citizens. Due to western sanctions and the withdrawal of western companies from Russia openings were created for Russian companies to take on myriad niche markets with a knock-on result of profits made and taxes provided to the state growing and being retained in Russia for further investment.
Russia has a growing number of friends around the world, with an increasing number enthusiastic about joining Russia within the BRICS group. In recent times both Saudi Arabia and Iran have joined and a further forty nations have expressed strong interest in doing so. Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe with massive and an unmanageable amount of debts is by and large at this stage a pariah nation hardly anyone but a western nation will touch. With the inevitable Russian victory Ukraine will be propped up financially by those western nations, once again seeing Ukraine the tax-payer billions across the EU and potentially across the USA. As stated in 7. Above, the Russian economy is booming and with good friends and trading partners such as China and India this trend shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
From the start of the war against Russia in Ukraine in 2014 lies have poured out from successive Ukrainian regimes. From those told over the seven years of the Minsk process to the Istanbul peace negotiations debacle to various atrocities committed by the Ukrainians but asserted by them to have been committed by the Russians such as that in the town of Bucha, to an almost daily litany of fabrications, the Kiev regime and its followers have shown they are unworthy of anything approaching trust. Despite there being occasions when it will have benefited individual Russians on Telegram or elsewhere to somewhat exaggerate a gain or downplay a loss, the Russian Military in its daily reports has continued throughout to wait until certainty is achieved before announcing either.
Russia is trusted worldwide outside the orbit of the western powers. Vladimir Putin, its president is admired and considered a worthy and esteemed friend outside the West-controlled nations also. Zelensky, though tolerated for the sake of appearances has fast worn out his welcome for man and, most significantly with his demand that Ukrainian forces invade Russia in the Kursk region he has been openly criticized by the Chinese authorities who the Ukrainian regime had recently been courting with an ostensible wish to seek a peaceful settlement. Russia is, in general trusted to keep its word and honor its obligations. The Ukrainian regime through not fulfilling its Minsk obligations and for abandoning the peace negotiations in Istanbul cannot ever restore their trustworthiness in the eyes of Russia.Â
These are a limited number of divergences between the Russian authorities and the Ukrainian regime. Drilling down into the detail of each would provide a great many more for those seeking them. Western disinformation would have you believe the opposite on almost all of these contentions of course. The western powers however have become infected to their core by the corruption, deception and degradation of those who took power in Ukraine at their insistence in 2014. With the upcoming Russian victory much of this will be revealed for all to see however. The truth will out as they say. Just as the lies delivered as holy writ by western elites concerning their regime change targets were duly exposed over time, so too will those told regarding Ukraine. In this process all the myriad differences in attitude, strategy, foreign policy, honesty, tactics and general bearing between the Russians and the Ukrainian regime will all then be known.