From day to day the reputation of western leaders plummet to depths previously unheard of. Their lamentable policies & constant warmongering are wildly out of step with the views of their populations.
The political life of the western world is a shambolic mix that invites both derision and deep misgivings. It is almost as if every politician at the top of each political tree across the western world has taken leave of his or her senses or has a psychiatric condition that creates the necessity to say the wrong things and make the worst possible decisions. People like Lindsey Graham for instance. Who in their right mind would vote for such a maniac? Then there is Joe Biden who without doubt needs his shoe laces tied for him each morning.
What has happened across the western world to bring dumbbell bozos such as Rishi Sunak to power? Have western populations taken leave of their senses too? Admittedly the British public had Sunak foisted on them as Prime Minister. For others there is no excuse. Take Sholz of Germany as another for instance. You have to wonder if he has an actual brain inside his head or is not being operated remotely. Then there’s Macron, conceiving it seems that he is the reincarnation of Napoleon. These dreary men, apparently all with a death wish, plod on toward Armageddon without a thought for their populations.
As polling data reflects the dismay that voters feel regarding their political class drifts ever downwards across the western world those that their woeful leaders wish to see removed from power only become ever more popular. Yet do they change course? They do not. The cliff face they will smash themselves against is coming up fast. But what do they all do to a man? They press down hard on the accelerator. Can anything explain this apparent death wish? Where has common sense gone? Into the same trash can they earlier threw diplomacy? It seems so.
Yet these raving fools continue to be supported by their respective mass media news elites. It appears this ship of fools contains almost every elite there is within the orbit of the western world. They are all in this together, determined to see it through… all the way to the extremely bitter end that awaits them. These people have no plan B and will apply no brakes to their forward progress to oblivion. It is said that Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Like madmen in a sanatorium with compulsive, endlessly repeating tics and gestures, they are clearly oblivious to all outside influences.
One by one these mentally-challenged, designer-suited, half-brained zealots will lose their well-heeled sinecures. Their populations are straining at the leash, unable to contain themselves in their desire to vote them out of office. Eventually, like slow motion nine-pin demolition they will go. Some to write their memoirs justifying everything they did, others to simply disappear in ignominy and humiliation. One way or another this batch of braindead political imbeciles will be made to depart. With a new batch taking their place, just as wedded to the increasingly dysfunctional USA? We must hope against hope that some remarkable change occurs and this is not the case.
Don’t hold your breath however. The insane circus of western elite idiocy will likely continue in one form or another.