If they can’t have the power to control what happens on this planet the elites of the West appear ready for there to be no habitable planet at all.
If they havn’t quite reached this point yet they are fast approaching it.
I estimate that currently no amount of chaos is unacceptable to them
They will continue to do whatever damage they can to those they perceive as a threat to their continued economic and military domination.
If they lose their current ability to turn most events occurring in their favor or even to their great advantage, if they are increasingly unable to counter all possible threats (as they perceive them) due to areas previously well within their control sphere slipping from them... they will use increasingly desperate methods.
All due to China rising. The long forecast demise of western patrician control is underway.
This war they are currently waging to maintain the degree of control they have had for generations is everything to them. This is an existential crisis. They see the world slipping from their grasp and are tortured by their visions of what will happen when it is no longer theirs to effectively manipulate.
What will they be when they are not in command, not able to effectively threaten, sanction, lecture, cajole, bribe, attack or invade?
How will they feel when they see nations agreeing to cooperate with China and Russia, with Cuba, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and all others? What will that do to their chains of command that they perceive to have kept the world in check? How will their diplomatic services function in their ability to twist arms behind closed doors when the diplomats they used to do that to have a better ally to look to now? An ally that just wants to trade and invest not demand and threaten?
China is a danger to the West in many ways and the example above is one of the most potent.
Unlike the USA China is not on a mission to transform the world into some fixed notion of perfect governance, it only wants to trade.
China has money to spare to invest whereas the USA and the nations of the EU are either bankrupt or laden with debt. With incredibly deep pockets China will transform the economic highways of trade beyond recognition right across Europe, the African and Asian continents and even further afield to Latin America.
The western elites see it all coming and are growing increasingly desperate, irresponsible, amoral, violent and ruthless.
A wrecking ball policy is in place. To destroy is their goal, to create maximum chaos, confusion and disarray to engender weakness. They will use every method in their military and intelligence agency playbooks to instigate terror with an absolutely amoral policy. Whatever will work for them they will use. Jihadist proxies at multiple points across the world, especially along the routes of China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’. Saboteurs and provocateurs, fake news, false flags and massively well-funded psychological and black operations.
They are doing this in the hope of creating enough chaos to slow China’s economic growth and investment plans down, wreaking havoc on them if possible and sowing maximum confusion along the way that they can then take full advantage of.
We have been living World War III for some time now. And it’s a fight to the death, no holds barred and diplomacy free.