Empires rise and fall. In their falling they can be at their most dangerous as they attempt to cling on to the power they have had by violent means. These efforts are inevitably always doomed to fail.
The arrogance we see coming from western leaders now is not new. It has become so clearly evident in recent years though due to the fact that it is now receiving increased opposition. In the past it simply appeared the everyday norm. Now the western powers stand stupidly with that arrogance displayed nakedly (if impotently) before us, and they cannot hide it.
This arrogance has always come until now with an overweening sense of entitlement. These arrogant men and women have conceived themselves as the masters of the universe, the god-annointed elites born to rule. This is still the way they act, only now we see just how inappropriate their posturing has become.
The advice given to the USA was to ‘talk softly and carry a big stick’. This advice calls to mind slave owners of the southern states of the USA more than anything else. Whereas in the days when western elites only had to snap their fingers for others to obey, now, in their reduced circumstances they are reduced to yelling. There is nothing subtle about their methodologies these days. In the past they had subtle means to get others to comply, now they use the methods of the common thug, threats of violence and endless blackmail.
The global majority has had enough of the swagger with which the arrogant westerners operated over the last near century. The West-centric, looking-down-the-nose elitism and self-regarding egotism that is endemic to the western tyrants will no longer be tolerated. Their power to inflict severe damage on others is atrophying fast, especially now as the petrodollar goes up in flames. The dictators of the so-called democratic West have had their day. Now something resembling a true democracy among nations is emerging in the shape of a fully multipolar world.
However, instead of accepting the fact of their reduced capacity to force their demands on others they have chosen to fight like a dying animal, to use the most blunt instrument in their tool box, military violence. The western powers have taken the decision to wage war against any nation now rising in unity with others to face them down. They will lose as their power is diminishing perceptibly by the day. The tormented beast of the West is dying in front of our eyes, hopefully to be finally laid to rest very soon.
The beast’s quarantining, if not death, is at least assured. Virtually toothless now that the petrodollar is no more and lacking the nerve to spill its blood or spend its treasure we can now find benevolent vultures gathering to finally see it off, or at least drive it into its cage. The era of western dominance has ended, the wounds it inflicted during that era have left deep scars and a desire for vengeance. The western beast WILL be put out of its misery, mostly due to the self-inflicted stupidity of its own actions. While the rest of the world celebrates it will lick its wounds, humbled, chastened, now quarantined and rendered (mostly) harmless.
No matter how loud the western elites collectively shout we can now safely ignore their demands. The western trolls of Washington and Whitehall are grown old and feeble. Their teeth have rotted, their limbs shrivelled and try as they might their emaciated arms lack the muscle they once had. They have become figures of fun, these little braggarts, these tinpot Napoleons who continue to rail against a world that no longer need pay any attention to their now increasingly irrelevant and impotent tirades.