The Russian military was always going to defeat the Ukrainian military no matter what it or its arms suppliers in the West did. The progress of Russia’s campaign has appeared slow to some, however, the defences at the edge of the Donbass region were always going to be a tough nut to crack when you are unwilling to use total force against them. Not only that, Russia has decided not to wage an all-out war against Ukraine. Doing so, targeting the leadership in Kiev for instance and taking out all power supply systems would have brought the entire country to its knees very quickly.
Russia mounted what it hoped would be a relatively bloodless operation to convince the Kiev leadership to give up its ambition to join NATO and come to its senses and provide what it had promised to the people of the Donbass in Minsk. The initial expeditionary force which was sent to the suburbs of Kiev was, I believe, a gambit designed to shake the Kiev leadership into seeing sense, change course and obviate the need for war. It is clear that the western powers gave the Kiev leadership the confidence to pursue war instead.
The collective west would supply vast amounts of weaponry to Ukraine and support it with every device including all-pervasive propaganda if it stayed the course, stood up to Russia and denied its wishes for a negotiated settlement. In doing this it is my opinion that the western leaders consigned Ukraine to its fate.
Since that time, despite a brief period when negotiations did take place between the two sides, the progress of the war, since Russia withdrew its troops from the vicinity of Kiev, has been a repetitive series of events.
Russia, now with the overarching goal of taking and securing, liberating as they term it, the entire region known as the Donbass. This is within a month or two of occurring and these territories will never again be part of Ukraine.
Meanwhile the USA and its allies continue to send weapons and machines of war to Ukraine, at this stage mostly replacing what has already been lost or destroyed due to Russian artillery/missile attacks and territorial gains. Russia is making incremental gains up and down the main battle fronts, mostly by way of ferocious artillery barrages before surrounding target cities that are tactically crucial to the overall goal of taking the Donbass. The weapons the West has sent include high-tech weaponry such as the HIMARS systems (16 of these) plus a range of other sophisticated pieces of equipment. It is important to note however that nothing has stopped the Russian advance.
And nothing WILL stop the Russian advance. The western military strategists surely know this and will have informed their superiors who will have briefed the U.S. president and his closest confidants within his administration. However, this fact apparently has little to no impact on the policy on Ukraine being pursued.
As stated, the policy is to use the fighting in Ukraine to weaken Russia. As has been seen, the second prong in the western war against Russia, economic and financial sanctions is failing badly and the strongest repercussions are not occurring there in the target nation but back home in the USA and Europe. The western leaders talk of Ukraine winning but there has been no sign of Ukraine winning in any meaningful or fundamental way as a glance at the timeline of the conflict will quickly show. A time lapse sequence from February 24th onward would show the Russian advance as a constant except for one or two minor retreats for purely tactical reasons and no significant defeat or loss of territory whatsoever. Ukraine has been losing ground since day one and has lost virtually all the equipment it started out with and most of its best trained
troops also.
Yet, knowing that Ukraine has not won any significant amount of ground back so far and shows no capacity to do so in future and with Russia having the continued capacity to strike all across Ukraine while incrementally taking the Donbass the West continues to fuel the war.
This last fact is important in the main point I wish to make in the present commentary.
Russia sees that the USA and its UK and European proxies intend to continue to supply weapons to Ukraine. It sees that this will not be affected by the taking and securing of the Donbass but that the intent is to continue to supply Ukraine with weapons with which to strike targets in what will in short order be Russian Donbass. And there being no sign at all that the Ukrainian authorities are at all interested in negotiating a peace deal, Russia has only one option, to go on fighting itself and taking ever more land.
The process described above will be open ended unless there is a change in either Kiev’s stance regarding negotiations leading to a peace deal or that of the collective west in supplying weaponry. Neither appears at all likely to occur. In this case Russia will see that the only long term and comprehensive solution is to take ever more land and to decimate Ukrainian resources and manpower to an ever greater extent. This of course will lead to an enormous decline in Ukraine’s power to sustain itself due to the facilities and manpower having been catastrophically reduced.
And ultimately the western powers will have brought Ukraine to its ultimately disastrous state, complete economic ruin without any possibility of sustainable recovery.
Not only will have the USA and its proxies fought Russia to virtually the last Ukrainian, they will have ended Ukraine as a feasible entity, perhaps forever.