There is only one grouping in the world seeking confrontation and dominance. That grouping has decreed that it alone has the right to rule and determine the mode of governance all others shall abide by. That grouping consists of the USA, the UK and its allies, most of whom lie in western and eastern Europe.
The West wants total power over all others and in this determination, its elites are using all means possible to divide the world into two warring camps. Their justification for this is that only they know how to properly govern, that only they have the correct values and that only they can “save the world” from those who are inferior to them in every way.
This kind of infinite hubris is nothing new for western elites, it has a history centuries long. By this point in time it has become part of national mantras within the West, an accepted, unquestioned “fact” that few dare to contradict. The consequences of the beliefs held in such a stubbornly fixed and unquestioned manner are many. One of them is the perpetual war we see being waged now. Surely there cannot be anyone among us now who does not realize that we are amidst a third world war.
By economic means alongside a campaign of fabricated stories of the wrongdoing of others and ongoing military means, the elites of the West seek constantly to weaken and bring down those they frame as enemies who are in truth merely economic rivals. Every arm of western governments that have any power to harm these target nations are used in the war now taking place. There is hardly any pretence of any other reality at this stage as the lack of diplomacy or effort to find any common ground shows clearly.
Western elites appear totally unconcerned that their actions present the most incredibly irresponsible response possible when the threats of the pandemic and climate change are concerned. Where working together is quite obviously the optimum way forward to guard humanity western elites choose the diametrically opposite approach, to seek total division between their allies and all others.
To gain global hegemony is clearly worth risking the future survival of humanity to these elites. They cannot conceive of a world where they are not the dominant factor. To them, in their historically fixed and thoroughly warped state of mind, their survival as global dictators is more important than anything. Their survival has a far higher priority to them than any consequences stemming from their self-interest, including mass death and destruction.
These are not the result of any one person’s views or mindset, this disastrous mentality is part of a group-thought dysfunction at the heart of elite western life. In the USA it is exemplified by the concept of exceptionalism, in the UK by a long-held belief in its superiority. Neither the genocide of the native population of North America, nor the slave trade, nor the horrendous abuses of colonialism alter the group mindset found in the elites of these nations. They cherry-pick only that which bolsters their false pride and conveniently forget the evils that their savage cultures have perpetuated in the past.
They have compartmentalised their entire history into two sections that could loosely be categorised as ‘The Glory’ and ‘The Grotesque’ and for them, only the first must be referenced at all times. Thus what we have within the western elite establishment is a variety of insanity and mental dysfunction that has the potential to destroy the world completely in a purported attempt to “save” it.