Once you enter war mode as a society you inevitably bring into being one degree or another of fantasy land.
Information becomes channelled and moulded rather than free flowing. Facts become factoids become fables, vignettes of encouragement for the spirit and weapons with which to confuse the enemy.
Currently still and for quite some time now the western world has been telling itself both little white lies and tall tales to help it sleep better at night.
The Kiev regime has been losing the conflict instigated on February 24th by Russia but in reality begun by the USA in league with the darkest of forces in 2013-2014. These are not facts that can be acknowledged however while the West remains in war mode. Not until the final coming to terms of the Kiev regime and without doubt not even then in any complete sense.
The fabulous accounts of great Ukrainian victories and resolute rebuffing of all things Russian will without doubt continue long after Russia has achieved every one of its goals. This is just the way of the world and in particular the western world. This would-be hegemon simply cannot confront even a whiff of failure. So, in all likelihood many of the myths now generated out of thin air concerning Ukraine and the performance of the Ukrainian army will continue to be told in the equivalent of a mainstream media fireside chat before bedtime.
That bedtime has more than one aspect of sleep about it of course. Putting its own perceptions of reality to sleep has been a vital aspect for all elites concerned in the West, both in the political and media spheres. The truth must be transformed to assist the war effort and a necessary blindness to reality must be cultivated and honed to a potentially totally obscuring myopia leading to near total present time amnesia.
Meanwhile of course the other side, in this case Russia, with the greater resolve and existential need largely eschews the fanciful verbiage and simply gets on with the job of attaining each and every goal set for itself. The urgency and importance of the task in hand and the need to keep a clear head and see the true nature of what faces you and deal with it is all important. Russia cannot afford the skewing of perception that is all-important to the dual elites of the West, predicated as they are on creating a PR image to satisfy a home population requiring constant shielding from the awful truth.
However, all the above having been said, the hard facts are inevitably going to pierce through the mirage of storytelling that the West’s elites have been spinning.. And soon. The recklessness of the western powers in their attempt to attack Russia in any way that could be found (without success in any major form) are rebounding in ever-increasing form and strength on a West about to be rudely awoken from its dreams of ultimate conquest.
Not only are dreams of gaining hegemony and total manipulative control, seen as so very vital after 9/11, to be totally shattered, the very foundations of western power are clearly to be undermined in such a fundamental way that the new realities involved are going to be inescapable. These now inescapable realities will ultimately force the eyes of the West open to a far greater extent than the mere loss of all hope in Ukraine.
The bedtime tales are shortly going to be very hard to keep telling with any conviction or hope of unquestioned acceptance. In fact, such will be the extent of the rude awakening to come. that the West will be hard put to ever media-massage itself to sleep through tall-tale storytelling ever again.
Las expresiones propias de cada pais o lenguaje, su traducción, casi nunca son buenas ni, para alegrar nada, porque no dicen nada. Tampoco en bueno recurrir a suplicar y pedir peras a un olmo.
Vuestros primeros artículos, fueron muy buenos, después recurristeis a repetirlo, ahora los realizáis con el sentimiento derrotado, y en esto último nos gana Occidente con la patética mentira.
Quienes odiamos ya politica estadounidense, tenemos todas nuestras esperanzas depositadas en vosotros, Putin y en Xi Jinping, y nuestras únicas armas, hoy en dia no valen nada, enfrente tenemos una policía y una justicia, vendida en cuerpo y alma a los estados y muy bien preparados, armados hasta los dientes y unos jueces implacables. Yo llevo 73 años de abuelo, tío y Madre ausentes asesinados por el fascismo, solo conozco mi propia cultura y la que después de 21 años, pude adquirir militando en la base, como un semi analfabeto. Y desde 2016, cuando intervino en mi vida con 68 años el Deep Estate, fue a través de un gran incendio que destruyó todo el polígono industrial, incluyendo mi negocio y mi casa donde vivía desde la segunda quiebra institucional que viví y no mías porque fueron dos negocios de éxito. Ahora y desde entonces, vivo en la montaña en una casa de "ocupa" Desde entonces, conozco la verdad absoluta, por primera vez en mi vida desde los 68 años, casi al final de mi vida.
Yo postee casi todos vuestros artículos menos los repetidos, algunos que otros, y todos los que puedo de Rusia Truth. Ayer creía que Rusia había terminado, hoy ya sé que Kiev no fue posible e ignoro, sé que Rusia Truth, no puede desvelar lo que hace, sé que destruisteis más de dos cuarteles de Azov, pero ni yo ni nadie, sabemos ¿qué sucede con la retirada de kiev? y estamos muy preocupados, si conocemos la jugada del dólar, Stream 2 y poco más, Occidente News, da asco, yo sigo creyendo que Putin no parara hasta que Ucrania se sienta aludida de su derrota y creo que Xi, no os dejara solos, pero sobre el New Reset”, no se todavía si el mundo seguirá siento unipolar, espero siempre que su hegemonía, se venga abajo. Vosotros tenéis que animaros más y pensar que vuestro principio editorial, fue fantásticos... Vfg.faranduleromarxista