Having heard the evidence, including the Douma chemical weapons cover-up as exposed relentlessly by Aaron Maté of The Grayzone, you may say, yes of course, it's obvious they are liars.
You would not be wrong. However it's much more complicated than that, especially when seen from their point of view, through their skewed mentality.
Let’s say you put it to the the West’s leaders and their various entities who constantly cry foul regarding the nations they have targeted for regime change. Let’s say also that they admit that what they said about those nations was not strictly true. Would they then admit to being liars? They would not.
Let me explain.
When you conceive yourself to be at war you allow yourself every form of weapon. Let’s call this the war mode mentality. When you have undertaken to support your nation of coalition in a position of responsibility you have certain choices to make.
1. Will you speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as if you were in a court of law?
2. Will you rather tell those truths that help your case, whatever that may be, and only those truths?
3. Will you while doing the above where you can embroider important elements of the facts as you know them so as to convey a somewhat altered truth?
4. Will you take the decision to use only embroidered facts and select from those highly embroidered facts with the intent regularly to deceive?
5. Finally, will you alter the facts to such a degree that a completely different conclusion can be drawn from them that has no basis in fact but which suits your chosen agenda?
Keep in mind at all times that in a war situation words have always been used as weapons.
As the saying goes: “The first casualty of war is the truth”.
During World War II a unit was set up in Britain that concocted believable stories about the sex life of Adolf Hitler and his closest associates. These were broadcast by radio into Nazi Germany. The story goes that Winston Churchill caught wind of this unit and was minded to shut it down as not British, not ‘cricket’ as they say there when something is underhand. That was however, until he was told how successful the program had been in undermining the morale of those targeted.
The West is at war. It has not been officially announced but the West IS at war and has been for many years now. It is at war with any nation not submitting itself to align with the most powerful nations of the West, the USA and the UK but primarily the USA.
The elites of the western world, whether in government, members of an NGO or agency or those who staff mainstream media of any kind are all fully aware that the West is at war. They have either formally, or in most cases no doubt informally, signed up to no longer adhering to point 1 above. This will be on a completely voluntary basis in almost every case. I would be surprised if there many who do so purely because they are under pressure to do so, perhaps due to the threat of losing their jobs. My feeling is that virtually 100% of such people have reached the kind of positions where loyalty is expected as integral to the job. This being so their dedicated support is provided willingly on the basis of a constantly reinforced conviction regarding the rightness of the cause being fought for.
They don’t think of themselves as liars. They convince themselves, if need be, that they are fighting for the most important cause conceivable, the winning of the war against those they are now thoroughly convinced of being malignant enemies of mankind. Most however, perhaps even all, have no need to even think along these lines. They are where they are, they are who they have become and their duty is to fight an evil foe with all they’ve got... and outside of a hot war situation that consists of words.
Even those who work in the modern version of Churchill’s fake news unit don’t see themselves as liars. These are the ‘Psychological Operations’ people, PsyOps for short who concoct useful articles for seeding through compliant sources or who liaison with journalists on articles they are working on, providing “information” and even suggesting particular narrative they can help with. These units can create any counterfeit document required. They are extremely creative at what they do. For them this is vital work in the war on... whoever it is their bosses and in turn THEIR bosses are at war with.
Undoubtedly they have sanitizing expressions for what they do. Their team leader will certainly not head a meeting with an agenda talking of the lies they need to create today. Items on that agenda will use words of an altogether different connotation. Nevertheless, from the point of view of those interested in complete objectivity they are creative liars whose job is to obscure the truth, or distort it, rather than reveal it.
Each ‘lie factory’ of the West, whether it exists in CIA, Langley, in MI5/MI6 by the River Thames in London, or in an NGO or agency of some denomination such as Human Rights Watch, or within a mainstream broadcaster like the BBC or CNN, will never for a moment recognize the term. That is exclusively a term for their enemies, a term that is a permanent pejorative label for those they are at war with.
Such terms as 'lie factory’ or 'sock puppet’, 'troll’ or 'bot’ are useful is spreading a false picture of reality. A range of such terms can be used in the demonization process that is all part and parcel of the war mode. Those who describe a point of view or state a fact that contradicts the lie factory out put can be called a troll spreading disinformation. He or she can be quite effectively dismissed as a ‘Russian Agent’, one of Putin’s Puppets or an ‘Assad Apologist’.
The narrative that allows such terms to be effective has morphed from an assertion to an absolute fact by way of a decade and a half of stories, manufactured events, carefully scripted narratives repetitively and almost mesmerically delivered to create an environment of assisted belief that is usually described as propaganda. Not that these were barefaced lies. Propaganda needs an element or two of truth to be most effective. It must also be subtle and the message must be constantly reinforced by repetition.
In this way you can take a figure such as Vladimir Putin and over time turn public perception of him negative, and HIGHLY negative to such a degree that it becomes subsumed into the everyday as known, unquestioned fact. To do this you first build on known facts. He was a KGB officer, more than that he was head of the KGB. (The fact that it was seen as a highly patriotic act for a young man to join the KGB at the time Putin entered the service would not be an aspect of this you’d be interested in. Neither would his motivation interest you, that he wished to protect his motherland from foreign attack.)
The KGB have already been long framed as evil. So, good you have an excellent starting point to add more to.
You will know the subsequent assertions that were repeated endlessly in order to build a certain picture in the public mind of all in the West. No one should be in the least surprised that the sublimation of a certain characterization of V. Putin is by now deeply ingrained. What SHOULD people think if they have hardly heard a single positive thing about the man for a good decade and a half from western mainstream media?
But those who created the stories would no doubt make a pretense of outrage if you described them as liars. You would soon find yourself being accused of spreading disinformation and of being someone who was basically an evil criminal backing an even greater criminal of monstrous proportions who had made you his puppet.
So it goes… as Kurt Vonnegut ended most of the chapters of his book ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’.
So it goes.
Lies are not lies when created in the halls of the Ministry of Truth within a nation perpetually at war.
They are simply alternate weapons used by information warriors to defeat their enemies. All justified by the circumstances of the war being fought. No need for doubts about the rightness of their use as they are completely in parallel with the rightness of their cause.