There's no Plan B. It's all or nothing for the western powers. After 9/11 they planned a course leading to a prison planet governed by them for their safety. But that plan is going horribly wrong.
It was all going so well. The Soviet Union had just been successfully undermined after almost a half century of trying. The United States and its allies reigned supreme. The ‘Unipolar Moment’ had arrived. There could be nothing that could stand in the way of a world where every nation was a liberal democracy. It was, as Francis Fukuyama had written, ‘The End of History’.
What could possibly go wrong?
In the late Nineties Russia had descended to become an economic basket case. Western advisers and dubious Russian elites along with the Russian mafia began selecting pieces of it to carve off for themselves. Yeltsin had taken over in a violent putsch and the western powers celebrated what they saw as the first candidate for liberalisation.
Then Yeltsin chose Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as his successor. Putin was at first accepted in the West. This congenial relationship lasted all the way from 2000 to his Munich speech in 2007. This speech sounded the death knell of any future, mutually beneficial relationship between east and west regarding Russia, and, though it was not perceived as such in the West at the time, it also sounded the initial muted death knell of the ‘Unipolar Moment’.
Just as Putin was letting the western powers know that Russia would not submit to being a subservient lackey at their beck and call, China was inexorably rising economically toward delivering an even louder death knell for that ‘Unipolar Moment’ that had seemed so exquisitely long-lasting only moments before. From 2007 onward then we can see the era we are now in, of multipolarity, emerging and emerging strongly.
As the United States and its proxies began losing their grip those who held the reigns of power started to become increasingly nervous. The subsequent wars of choice after this period were not only the result of the western reaction to 9/11 but also a reaction to, and attempt to reverse, their rapidly failing dominance. This period of western elite fears over their loss of manipulative control and resultant aggression is ongoing, as can be seen by the Ukraine war.
Russia became the main target of the western allies, even though its economy and therefore power was far less than that of China. It was to be Russia that would be made to collapse and have its president and system of government undermined and replaced. Only after the matter of Russia had been resolved would the West’s full attention be fixed on China. Meanwhile, other, less important nations would be bent to the western will by whatever means were considered necessary.
Sanctions, both economic and financial along with subversions of a more covert kind, were the two main weapons after the military “solutions” of the previous regime change ops proved too messy and to an important extent counterproductive. Here we can see the poisonous seeds planted by the West that would increasingly lead to its headaches of today. Abusing its powers so obviously, the entire collective west, began to make enemies of some of what it had considered as its best friends.
Chief among the ‘best friends’ the West had until this time and lost is Saudi Arabia and it is clearly the one that hurts most to date. By abusing any nation that stepped out of line, as the USA saw it, began making many enemies, or at the very least began causing nations previously oriented towards western power, to become non-aligned. The most obvious indicator on this score is the number of nations who have joined the BRICS group in recent times and the far greater number who have expressed a wish to.
Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS must have felt like a kick in the face to the western power elite. Now with others lining up to kick them, perhaps up to seventy nations altogether, it must surely be wreaking havoc among many western corridors of power. Their efforts to push back and regain dominance are currently receiving one hit after another. Yet, instead of resigning themselves to sharing in a balance of power they continue to double down in the level of their aggression.
In both Israel and Ukraine we see the continuing drive by the West to use blatant aggression rather than anything approaching diplomacy and rationality to resolving the most major geopolitical issues of the day. It is clear that the western powers have no reverse gear and no plan B in regarding to their fight against the loss of the ‘Unipolar Moment’ and its restoration. They are determined to have ‘full spectrum dominance’ globally and nothing less will do.
Having said the above it is becoming quite clear that the collective west is losing and losing more clearly by the day. Fighting like a mortally wounded animal against a growing number of those it perceives as “enemies” it has largely abandoned rationality in favour of brute force. However, that brute force is, not for the first time, working against it rather than for it. It is almost as if the West has a death wish, however the reality is that it has simply left itself with no other option, completely dedicated to its ‘all or nothing’, ‘do or die’ response to its failing grip on the world.
For the West every indicator says it will be ‘die’ rather than ‘do’. The odds grow ever longer against its braindead arrogance, hubris and flawed mythologies of western power. There will be no return to the ‘Unipolar Moment’ and certainly no movement toward the prison planet the western powers visualise as the ideal outcome. Multipolarity will prevail with all its promise of a balanced, peaceful and far more stable world.
I share your wish that a 'prison planet' not be in our future, but I fear that many of the western countries will be effectively large scale panopticon prisons given the increasing 'security' apparatus power in conjunction with elites very eager to employ the means of the WHO & IHRs and CBDCs to implement a pervasive and comprehensive medical martial law to sidestep civil liberties and constitutional constraints.