As Russia survived the West's sanctions coming out smiling the western elites should have conceded failure. Instead they plowed on to certain defeat, upping a reckless ante, always doubling down. Why?
What is it with the British political elite and Ukraine? Is it some futile effort to recall the UK’s glory days when it was a great power? Are we merely seeing the lingering death throes of an empire long gone and now completely irrelevant? How many more Ukrainians must lose their lives for the sake of this gruesome activity by the Brits?
Hugely disliked in Britain Richie Sunak and his government may also be hoping for a much needed uptick in popularity by using their present breast-beating, war-mongering tactic in Ukraine to ultra-cynically bring it about. An earlier prime minister, Margaret Thatcher achieved just such a surge in popularity by going to war against Argentina over the Falkland Islands when her poll ratings were falling to dangerous levels. Thatcher succeeded where Sunak appears to be failing abysmally to achieve the same cynical maneuver.
Or is something else at work here? Do the western powers see their long-held ability to manipulate events globally fast slipping away? Could this be the true reason for their reckless strategy of endlessly supporting the Ukrainian regime despite every indicator that it is doomed to be utterly defeated by Russia? Might this be the most fundamental of all reasons for the hopeless endeavour to defeat a Russia that sees an existential threat in NATO’s ambition to put missiles on its border in Ukraine. This task was hopeless from the start as Russia simply cannot have such a circumstance and no amount of weaponry from the West will change this fact.
The political and media elites are clearly aligned as tight as can be in a unified war to maintain the status and power they have become so very used to till now. The thought of losing all the many perks that come with such a power brings them to a state of such utter agitation that we can expect almost any reckless action from them now. Even the prospect of nuclear war does not seem to faze the most zealot amongst them. It appears that no world at all is preferable to such convinced neocons than a world they can no longer control.
The British in their “wisdom” have told the Kiev regime that they are quite at liberty to fire the UK-supplied missiles at targets in Russia. The Russian high command has responded by saying that if this takes place they will then be at liberty to attack UK bases in Ukraine… and beyond. Yet even this statement does not appear to give the British pause, they continue their belligerent rhetoric, upping the ante even more. Now we hear that British special forces are at work in Ukraine. Another sign that sooner or later Russia will be bound to cause British blood to run in Ukraine, and quite possibly elsewhere.
What variety of madness has the western powers in its grip? Ukraine is of no special strategic interest to them? Yet they are clearly willing to see millions die to defend it in a struggle that was lost as soon as Russia survived all the West’s sanctions and came out the other side with the strongest economy in Europe. The madness involved breed mutually assured destruction and the deaths of millions. Does this prospect deter those in the West from their futile actions that has seen half a million Ukrainians die or be grievously wounded? Not a bit it seems. The juggernaut of western irresponsible warmongering goes on regardless.
Like the ram in the popular song of the late Fifties, ‘High Hopes’, but without its success, battering its head against an immovable dam, the bone-headed political and media elites of the West appear unable to halt their compulsively disastrous acts of sheer, reckless folly.
Wikipedia: The song describes two scenarios where animals do seemingly impossible acts. First, an ant moves a rubber tree plant all by himself, then a ram single-handedly puts a hole in a "billion-kilowatt dam." The desires of these animals are described by the chorus as "high, apple pie in the sky, hopes.”