What if an entire construct laid down over decades was having such an all-pervasive effect that we believed in things which were entirely untrue but which our minds told us were factual?
What if our minds kept telling us in ways that were mostly sub-conscious that we shouldn’t believe our own higher senses that had the capacity to truly inform us?
Suppose then that a high percentage of what we believe on certain subjects does not correspond on a fundamental level with what is actually taking place.
I am not talking of most subjects related to everyday life, the humdrum factors which occupy us in work or in our leisure time. These are common to most of humanity in one form or another and bind us together as a species, the common need for work generating an income, the things we do for family and in relation to friends, transportation, consumption, play and all else that comprises normal everyday life.
To what then am I referring when I talk of a construct that I claim permeates the people of the western world specifically and that causes us in my opinion to fail to react appropriately in most cases and indeed causes many of us to support acts which we can see have evil consequences?
Before answering I would like to explore how this extends beyond the failure to react to clearly iniquitous occurrences and also beyond our failure to identify the source of these occurrences and the factors that lie behind them.
Within the western sphere there is a general calm regarding the events I am alluding to. Of course from time to time there is some eruption of protest, but I would argue not so much these days on the areas I intend to explore. There was a time when such protests did occur concerning these subjects, they were continuous and dramatic and on one occasion in particular their continuous and well supported nature contributed significantly in a major change in policy.
Those days which seem to belong to a an era so different from today as to almost indicate a dramatic alteration of the human thought process within the western world. In this case I am talking of a mass rejection of the war policy regarding Vietnam by the U.S. state. A war that became so unpopular across so many platforms of U.S. life (including that of mainstream media) that to continue it was no longer seen as politically tenable by the U.S. state.
No such movement of protest or mainstream media focus now exists to any extent where it has even the slightest appearance of making any change whatsoever in a world increasingly at war on so many levels and locations.
Though one actor clearly lies behind the stimulation, fomentation, division and constant drive required to initiate the wars in question there is hardly a ripple of protest seen across the entirety of the western world.
What factors are at work that apparently anesthetize the minds of what appears to be the vast majority of western citizens and produces attitudes which allow the injustices of war which were so stridently protested in times within the living memory of many?
Where have we arrived at within societies where we are led by those actively seeking to harm other nations, foment war with them by distributing lies about them yet we seem hardly to notice or raise any concerns and may even consider what we are told by them, despite innumerable instances to the contrary, is trustworthy?
Is it merely convenient not to recognize that our own state institutions are composed of the virtual Hitlers that we are endlessly persuaded lie far from our borders?
Would it be too disturbing to our intention to enjoy our lives in the West to realize that the source of the evils we see around the world has its source within those who govern us?
Are we inured to thinking the best of those state institutions which are treated with an easily awarded respect by interviewers and commentators who reserve their suspicion and derision for others pointed at by those being interviewed or commented upon?
Is it as a result of a heritage of transferred heroism which arose from the defeat of Hitler and Nazism that we cannot escape from the belief that we are forever the righteous few with leaders to match?
Have we simply been overfed a far too constant a diet of malignant foreigners threatening or doing evil, to those in other lands and possibly to ourselves? Has this diet of disgust regarding others and fear for ourselves created a self-reinforcing habit whereby our own state institutions are considered innocent without question?
What effect has a sanitized mainstream media had due never finding any serious fault in western foreign policy or the politicians who form it, but continually asserting heinous deeds by others against others or against ourselves?
Has the system of democracy itself led us to believe that the selection of politicians on offer and the apparently sincere and often banal posturing at election time imbues all concerned with an unassailable aura of probity simply by repetitive avoidance of all previous atrocities committed?
To me it is clear that those responsible for the vast majority of aggression are our own western elites. That they have caused mass death and destruction in recent years is perfectly clear and unarguable I would say. That they seek to create more every day by agreed policies to spread untruths, create greater and greater geopolitical divisions, support the provision of arms and logistics to states waging war and continually foment war by abandoning all possible channels for diplomacy is again totally obvious in my view.
Yet, very few seem bothered by this, all appears mostly calm, it’s business as usual as if the personalities seen going through the normal routines in Washington and Westminster are perfectly fine gentlemen and women well motivated, safe pairs of hands.
The same hands that will sign documents that will initiate the distribution of ever more lies, the creation of ever-greater tensions and divisions, instill fear, cause chain-reactions that inevitably end in misery, hatred, death and destruction.
Hands that we might even shake given the chance.
Hands who shook the hands of predecessors passing bloodstains from one to another in an evil chain remarked upon only a tiny minority who the majority look upon as a little odd and slightly ridiculous.
We live with warmongering mass murderers as leaders in the West. And few bat an eyelid.
These men and women seen constantly on our television screens, treated as if they are totally normal and quite acceptable in every way, are the monsters they have taught us to fear in far distant places.
These are the psychopaths, the Little Hitlers and designers of mass death, human misery and violent oppression we have come to accept as existing extremely distant from us.
They are among us and lead us, and we are sub-consciously conditioned daily to think of them in the most moderate and accepting of ways on matters of our relation to the suffering of millions. We are subject to the inner lie of political amnesia which for our own reasons and theirs we live with, most of the time contentedly.
Our minds tell us all is normal. Only others far away could possibly be evil. Not our own.
And this is the biggest lie of all.