Can the juggernaut comprising centuries of elitist western attitudes be halted?
It cannot be lost on anyone by this point in time that the western world and its allies are engaged in a project to transform the world into an approximation of their image, or at least one compliant with it.
This should come as no surprise due to the following combination of factors:
This project is the result of hundreds of years of attitudes held by western elites and many of those that they have governed. These attitudes can be encapsulated in three simple words: ‘We Know Best’.
White Europeans have been those at the forefront of this entire project from the start. It was they who embarked on the initial stages of a global takeover from Elizabethan times when its emissaries transformed themselves into common pirates attacking Spanish ships transporting stolen gold home from South America. Britain, Spain, Portugal and others initiated the first exploitative forays into nations unprepared to resist them.
White Europeans migrated in ever greater numbers to what was to become the USA and by violence took land from the native population who they deemed to be “savages”.
The same white Europeans made fortunes from the slave trade.
Later, with the advent of the British Empire the ultra-aggressive white Europeans took over multiple countries as their right through force of arms and a belief in their superiority over the “primitive” people they found there. Other European colonial powers such as Germany, France and Belgium joined the plunder of nations unable to resist them.
These attitudes where other, weaker nations and those that govern them are labelled “uncivilized”, “primitive” or “savages” still survive consciously or subconsciously to the present day.
The vast wealth accrued by Europe from colonial empires enriched the nations involved at the expense of those too weak to resist them and endlessly bolstered the notion that there was an inherent superiority in western culture. The fact that this was based largely on a privileged power structure built on long-term abuse of that power and indulgence in endless violent repression, coercion and exploitation was of course totally ignored. The myths of superiority were naturally much better suited to the egos of all those involved.
Little has changed in essence from those days to this. The elites of the USA continue to preen themselves and their nation as exceptional. The elites of the UK still puff their chests out in pride about how they have the capacity to civilize the world and bring it to its senses by dint of their ‘civilizing’ manipulative power. ‘Johnny Foreigner’ as he is called is always in need of civilizing by either Britain or America it seems.
These attitudes are so deeply ingrained and so modified by overlying concepts used to justify an ongoing need to dominate the world that the West as a whole has become in effect a composite criminal entity. The myths overlying this reality are those of self-justification, absolutely vital to the need for continued expansion of western influence. All negatives related to the activities of western elites were and are submerged under the weight of self-affirming mythologies. By these mythologies the U.S., UK and others in the western justify their habit of colonialist exploitation, dominating, judging and punishing all exclusively for their own benefit.
In its entirety, the western concept of its perpetual superiority is a psychological dysfunction that has become a totally hidden norm overlaid by a toxic belief system supporting a mindset where unquestioned superiority and purity of purpose hold all else in abeyance.
This dysfunctional but self-serving mindset has as its ultimate political goal in the political field in similar form to that in the field of business, to expand without limit, minimizing all opposition, eliminating it wherever possible. In the context of geopolitics, this endeavour signifies the attaining of global hegemony. All barriers to achieving this are required to be removed, for the advancement of both corporate and political goals. In addition, the protocols set in place after 9/11 with their insistence on gaining full spectrum dominance, play powerfully into the overall goal of unlimited expansion of influence over others seen as dubious at best.
Nations having standards not connecting in synch with western modes of governance and social values are therefore targets for disruption using the familiar power structures of the West. Alongside this interference in the affairs of others in an effort to transform them, the twin power structures of the political and corporate worlds coincide to attain their equally self-serving goals. Sanctions, political pressure, covert use of intelligence agencies, media campaigns and military might are all honed into potent weapons with which to coerce nations to be transformed to conform to western wishes.
The extremely long history of western exceptionalism and unlimited ambition to expand influence, power, wealth and control over others can be seen to be still ongoing as new initiatives arise on a daily basis. There are no signs that this centuries-long exploitative activity of western elites will ever end except by the rise of an equally powerful opposing force.
Happily for humanity and especially for all nations presently targeted for transformation by the West that force has emerged. China, with Russia by her side plus their allies comprise that force. Clearly, it is China that makes up the greatest degree of economic power within that counterforce. This is why China is now the primary target for the USA and its allies, recognizing that without China there would be no adequate opposing force to their plans.
The long progress of a flawed notion of superiority by those initial white Europeans and their generations of offspring has led directly to this moment in time. For the first time in history, their way forward to global hegemony is blocked. At this moment the great weight of momentum of the oppressive and malign era of ultra-aggressive and acquisitive western power is being slowed to a halt. The deeply flawed, inherently racist and exploitative, myth-infested, dysfunctional global transformation project of the western elites is a juggernaut now thankfully hitting a solid wall of resistance. We have China to thank for this and of course a resolute Russia standing at her side.
The events of the next five to ten years will clearly decide the entire future of our planet in geopolitical terms.
That is, whether we live under an elite that falsely believes itself eternally superior and exceptional, above all others and destined to control them or a planet where great diversity is recognized, tolerated and appreciated as the best reality possible within a fully multipolar world.