The West’s war against Russia and China is partly ideological and partly economic. It has been fought through a variety of non-military means to date, largely through political statements, media coverage and economic sanctions.
The effect in Russia and China has been to generate an enhanced focus on self-sufficiency and a heightened awareness regarding ending vulnerabilities to western attack, the creation of new partnerships and an increasingly robust stance overall.
The cost on the western side of the equation has largely been within the ethical and moral base of its political and media mythologies and reputational underpinnings as well as some economic damage within Europe.
What might be the reasons for the current stance of western elites towards Russia and China?
Though the ideological basis for western antagonism centers is focused upon almost exclusively, on the basis that what you hear from western politicians is unlikely to be factual, I believe the true basis of the current war is largely economic.
Russia has recently announced that its gold reserves are now at a level where its entire national debt could be paid off. China is well known for its exponential economic growth in recent decades and without doubt has a massive surplus of reserves.
What of western nations?
The USA has the largest national debt of any nation by far. There are surely no western nations that are free of debt or even close. This puts Russia and China in pole position to lead the world in a post-covid revival of fortunes. Western nations however, will struggle with the consequences of the pandemic for decades to come.
Of course the war against Russia and China predates the pandemic by many years. It is because China is an economic powerhouse that western elites primarily see her as an enemy, not due to her mode of governance, though this latter factors is how the enmity will continue to be framed.
This deceit where one factor is posited as the reason for discord and grievance when it is truly another has characterized the West for some time now, notably in its regime change wars of choice.
We are led to believe that there is political and press freedom in the West yet we can easily see that both claims are now exposed as false, at least when it comes to geopolitical factors.
The war against Russia in particular has revealed the untenable position of western elites that nothing good could ever come from Russia or having good relations with Russia. No politician that cares about remaining within the fold with half-decent career prospects before him or her can say differently. This is especially so after the debacle concerning the sociopath business thug turned politicians, Donald J. Trump. There is no freedom to speak your mind without consequences on Russia in the West if you are a politician with prospects. In respect of political freedom, on the subject of Russia this is non-existent. It is rapidly becoming the case regarding China also.
Regarding mainstream media and freedom of the press a very similar ethos exists. Positive news regarding Russia is a no-no, a route to virulent attacks upon one’s integrity, intelligence and loyalty. Any commentator, observer or journalist even vaguely hinting that Russian governmental policy may not be all bad knows what to expect. To pass any article passed up the line to the editor of any title of consequence with a positive slant on Russia is recognized as a wholly futile act. Thus the so-called freedom of the press can be added to the so-called political freedom of the West as non-existent in a geopolitical context.
China predominantly, with Russia as close partner are set to expand their economic reach and geopolitical influence. This will inevitably create a virtuous circle where one enhances the other. This is what western elites fear more than anything. Their nations are deeply in debt with ever rising costs of multiple kinds. Western populations constantly demand increases to their life experiences, ever better services, products, technologies and infrastructure. To pay off debts and provide all that is demanded western nations require to be competitive and generate additional income. This just as China and Russia threaten to expand their delivery of their own products and services and thus increasingly eating into the profits the West so desperately requires to maintain and increase.
The factors above, rather than any high-flown ideological reasons incorporating campaigns about purported human rights abuses, are in my opinion the true basis for the war the West is now waging.
In their desperation to resolve the economic nightmare, implosion, disaster or however else you wish to characterize it, the western elites are resorting to every single weapon they can find.
As you will have seen, diplomacy has almost become a lost art. The Biden-Putin meeting will no doubt result in some encouraging sound bytes and little to nothing more. As western elites see it things are too far gone for that and that diplomacy itself is now something to be weaponized, a complete bastardization of its true purpose.
This war will without doubt continue to the point where one side or the other is the conclusive winner. Currently I see no chance of the heavily indebted West with all its ever-increasing costs winning it. But for its elites see no other option but to continue waging it. The alternative is to see its populations having increasingly degraded lives and subsequent loss of faith in their elites. If those elites were tempted to be realistic they might find that both Russia and China are truly interested in partnerships rather than as protagonists in a forever war. But such realism seems as far off now as ever was.
This leaves us in a perpetual war situation with an entire western elite superstructure in war mode, a war mode that appears almost entirely futile with an inevitable consequence staring them daily in the face. The rise of China is unstoppable and that of Russia appears increasingly unstoppable also. Western elites are steering their populations into a backwater, in regard to economic success, mentality of its elites and the corruption of its so-called freedoms.