The elites of the western world tout democracy and claim a God-given right to force certain “values” down the throats of every nation across our planet. What could possibly be democratic about that?
Have the citizens of the countries they represent given them a democratic mandate to do this? They have not.
No election in living memory conducted in the West has been fought on the basis of conducting overt and covert campaigns against other nations.
No westerner ever voted for the illegal attack upon and invasion of Iraq for instance, nor for the carpet bombing of Libya or for any of the many other campaigns that went horribly wrong conducted by their elites.
Not one single vote ever cast in the West gave an unequivocal right to those in power to use torture, to set up black sites, to kidnap and hold people in custody without the right to a trial and to use myriad illegal means to undermine the governance of nations, poisoning the stability and liveability of the people there and in so doing fragment entire regions of the world for generations.
All these pernicious acts were done without the democratic process being involved in the slightest. The “values” proclaimed by western elites concerning justice, freedom, the sanctity of law and the creation of a rules-based international order were each and every one of them negated by their actions. These are not democrats, they are self-seeking, dictatorial demagogues who are using a faux-democratic system to force their dictatorial will over others.
It must surely be obvious to all and sundry by now what the ultimate outcome of this dictatorship posing as democracy will be for the entire world if allowed to continue without let or hindrance, a world gripped by endless war.
The suffering, instability and destruction caused by the elites of the West so far in their dictatorial interventions across Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere will inevitably be spread ever further and ultimately have the potential to consume the entire world.
Further than having no mandate from their own people to initiate this pogrom of violence across the world they certainly have none from the people of whose nations they interfere in with such devastating consequences.
Lie after lie has been told in the West and by its leaders, faithfully channelled to their populations by a complicit mass media who have sought to create a journalistic fervour to help the murderous process along.
It is high time for some form of democratic will and determination to invoke much more civilised and legal behaviour by their so-called leaders by the people of the western world. Far too little has been done to curb the rabid self-interested “leadership” in the West.
In an apparent numbness caused by a range of factors including rampant materialism and self-interested obsession western populations appear to be almost totally impotent as a force for change as they once were. Their politicians appear to have them exactly where they want them, minds occupied elsewhere, seeking selfish ambition rather than espousing any form of universal benefit to their countrymen or those beyond their borders.
In this atmosphere of universal greed and ambition is it any wonder western populations have the political leadership they now have? Decades of navel-gazing, self-importance and endless personal ambition have destroyed the heart of any sense of a universal democratic idealism. All that is left are self-aggrandising populations of the West and those in its orbit seeking endless self-interest led by equally narrowly focused politicians who cynically claim those populations grant them the right to exploit the rest of their world for their own self-interested ambitions.
These wars are not about democracy. They are not about freedom. They are not about a rules-based international order. They are about western national interests, about fighting to subjugate other nations to western needs, destroying their ability to be free and prosperous and to have their cultures reflect their traditional values.
These wars we have seen were fought by western political elites and caused the destruction of values and demanded the forced imposition of an undemocratic will. They lacked any mandate by anyone in the nations the perpetrators supposedly represented.
“Not in my name!”, was a slogan heard often as a cabal of western political dictatorships poised itself to wreak destruction across the Middle East and beyond. “Do as I say, not as I do!” was its own slogan. The “values” of western democracy and those of the United Nations need not apply.
A de facto prison planet monitored from space, where judgement will be passed on supposed transgressors to their controllers “values” and where democracy is an even greater fraud than now is the ultimate outcome if we do not rise and assert some true democracy in a demand for truly civilized universal values.
Tolerance and unity of purpose are the concepts we need to foster now to survive the threats of disease and climate change we face as a species. The suicidal mania for global control by the West can only destroy any such unity, tolerance and cooperation in a worldwide fire of self-interested ambition totally lacking any democratic mandate.