Times are changing. With a new year approaching and great changes with it, this is the perfect time to look back at a period when a global paradox has clearly been in evidence.
The paradox spoken of in the title above involves one nation in particular though the factors involved represent a far broader context including a great many more nations than this.
The essential details involve the current struggle to maintain traditional ways of life that are now subject to attack, attacks which threaten to entirely eliminate them.
The nations whose policies clearly threaten the traditional ways of life mentioned above are generally regarded, at least by themselves, as paragons of virtue. Therein lies the paradox which is the subject of this commentary.
The USA prides itself on welcoming diversity. Its leaders point to the many freedoms afforded to its populace. The country is a melting point of ideas as well as nationalities, ethnicities and religious faiths. This is of course to a large degree healthy, however within this heady mix of diversity and freedom trends often emerge which seek to denigrate traditional mores and to eliminate them through vocal denigration. In recent years a prime example of this is the so-called ‘woke’ movement.
In the global south, or what might more accurately called the nations constituting the ‘global majority’, traditional values continue to hold sway in most nations where western-style levels of affluence have not so far reached the general population. In these nations, not far removed from earlier quite impoverished conditions, traditional values have long been a means to hold their societies together. These long-trusted means of social cohesion remain a valued and integral part of daily life.
You might say where’s the problem? The USA and the affluent liberal democracies of the UK and European Union can have their social freedoms, socially detrimental or not, the level of living standards can afford any upheaval caused. The poorer, more traditionally-minded nations can keep their traditions if they wish. No one is forcing them to change. This is however, the nub of the problem. There is indeed a drive to force them to change.
The general attitude in the western world is that, in a few words, ‘The West is Best’, that it is there that the most enlightened attitudes can be found, and that the nations of the rest of the world should learn best how to govern themselves and live their lives from them. If this was only advice given through words alone it could safely be ignored if necessary, however much more than words are used to effect the changes in others that western leaders think fit to make.
Whether under the guise of ‘The War on Terror’ or through a long history of western Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) seeking change across the world or, going even further back the colonial era when western officials and Christian missionaries sought to “improve” those they found in foreign lands, we can see that the drive to mould others to western ways has a long history.
The political, economic and military powers of western nations have long provided the leverage with which their leaders have presumed to shape the world and through which they have, until now, maintained their dominant position. In spite of this the majority of nations subject to western influence have by one means or another managed to cling on to their long-held traditional ways of life. Now, with the geopolitical changes currently underway, they have begun to fight back against the tide of ‘know best’ rhetoric from the West.
Notable among those who first began to vocally resist western dominance is the Russian Federation and its president, Vladimir Putin. This can be traced back most cogently to the address he gave to a security congress in Munich, Germany in February 2007. His message, simply put, was that the Russian Federation would maintain its independence of sovereignty, culture, world view and traditions in defiance of any attempt by any nation or group of nations to decide what was best for it.
For his impudence in rejecting foreign influence in respect of how Russians should conduct their affairs he was, from those moments of his Munish address, considered a world pariah by the western powers and every means possible was brought to bear to oust him from power. The effect of 9/11 had been to drain the western political elites of their willingness to ‘live and let live’. They had decided that the world must now be transformed to reflect their values, and by force wherever necessary.
So, where lies the paradox? It lies in the objective reality that in Russia and elsewhere it can be seen that the levels of integrity, decency, abidance by the law, diligence in the fields of both work and family, trustworthiness and religious tolerance are strongest while in the West they are in fact, weakest. The new intolerance and rush to judgement, use of military violence, political and media disinformation and much else across western nations, particularly against Russia, has initiated a new war against those its leaders consider are in need of alteration, and indeed elimination.
Daily, we can hear western leaders pontificate on matters relating to local issues on the other side of the world as if they are the final arbiters of all things. Ultimate judge, jurors and executioners also. These long-standing attitudes are now being questioned by the world majority of nations who have managed to maintain their traditions and do not recognise western nations as paragons of virtue. Quite the opposite in fact.
This then is where the paradox lies, the geopolitical paradox of our times.
Those who lead the, until now, affluent and powerful West can clearly seen to be the most corrupted of societies where scandals of all kinds in all fields of endeavour can be found, social, political, financial and economic. Though these elements can be found all across the world it cannot be ignored that they are prevalent to the highest degree in those nations whose leaders who would have us believe they are virtually perfect in every way.
While the leaders of western nations can be heard on a daily basis pronouncing their verdict on matters occurring far distant from their shores, most others are focused on their own nation’s affairs. Vladimir Putin is one such and it is an obvious fact that he has raised Russia almost from the dead since the fall of the Soviet Union. And by the words of high state officials in the USA he is a man of integrity who can be trusted to do as he says.
The mass fabrication of disinformation stemming from the western world since Putin’s Munich speech has been constant as has been the relentless driving of NATO towards Russia’s borders. However, despite the myriad slanderous statements made about Putin, the allegations without evidence, the constant waterfall of invective aimed at him, he has remained calm with only a highly reasoned and reasonable response to all.
Those spewing invective toward Putin and the Russian authorities demonstrate the paradox being spoken of here better than any words contained within this commentary. You may use the well-known phrase concerning the pot calling the kettle black. After the mass illegality of the many wars of choice indulged in by the western powers you might think they ought to have no right to speak at all. Yet still they harangue others who have done no such things as the self-appointed arbiters of all that is right and proper as the most saintly and virtuous of all.