In the winter of 2013-14 I first became aware of the turmoil on Maidan Square, Kiev. I became curious to know what was happening at street level. The first glimpse I had into this was a long piece of text by an anarchist who was discussing in real time with someone what exactly was going on and what the backdrop to the situation was.
Whoever was writing stated that the protests on Maidan had begun peacefully. Young people had gathered to show their displeasure at the delays in the president and government moving to agree the deal on the table with the EU. The person then went on to describe how others began arriving who were not inclined to be peaceful and that they even physically attacked some of the peaceful protestors and managed to effect the removal of some (I don’t recall any mention of how many).
I observed the situation closely day and night for around four years in total. In later years I came across a video of a politician in the Ukrainian parliament who though being relentlessly shouted down was relating how the U.S. embassy in Kiev had run training courses for those who were to take part in the forthcoming protest. He named the organization who were running the courses (which I have forgotten the name of) which I was able to ascertain was a known U.S. governmental unit.
Besides this late in the day confirmation it was clear to me that the USA was deeply involved along with NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a particular French national and Jewish oligarch (whose name escapes me for the moment). Of course the activities of Geoff Pyatt the U.S. ambassador at time and Victoria Nuland the deputy Secretary of State are well known due to the leaked phone conversation and the provision of “cookies” to the protestors. The presence of John McCain standing on a stage beside the leader of what had been called the Social Nationalist Party until it changed it to ‘Svoboda’ (Freedom) is also very well known. Myriad other connections the USA had with all that went on are undoubtedly occurring in coordination with those of all nations with an interest in wresting Ukraine from its Russian inclination as regards the east of the country. The Soros ‘Open Society’ and a plethora of others including of course the CIA were also without question hard at work at this time.
What appears from a confused mass of evidence to be a false flag event finally decided the resultant fall of both the president and government. The “Heavenly Hundred” among the protestors who died far overshadowed the seventeen or so young policemen who died via gun shots, being beaten to death with every variety of club known to human imagination, burned with Molotov Cocktails, had their heads crushed by bricks or suffocated to death by whatever means were brought to bear.
The Maidan coup had succeeded.
As this was seen on nightly TV across Ukraine the riots which were taking place could hardly be missed by those pro-Russians living in Crimea and in Ukraine’s east, within the Donbass. Neither could be missed the slogans which had been heard during torch lit parades and the marches of militants. “Russians on knives” and “Ukraine above all others” plus of course the general sneering about the “Moskals”, those living in the lands close to the Russian border who were regarded as being as sub-human as they regarded all Russians.
The legends of how Hitler and the Nazis were good for Ukraine had been handed down from grandfather to son and then on down to his sons and daughters. Hitler the friend of Ukrainian nationalists and their organizations, one of which was headed by a certain Stepan Bandera. These legends had been spread and fostered a large minority of ultra-nationalists who took on the symbols and dogma of the Nazis matching those of their kind who had formed Nazi battalions during World War II and who by legend the Nazis feared for their ferocity in burning Russian peasants in their beds.
Moving years later I’d watch a short street video with an elderly policeman who had confiscated a club and was asked a few questions by two roving reporters. The loud cacophonic sounds of the riots could be heard in the background. He told of swastikas and other Nazi symbols having appeared everywhere, of the opposition parties calling for everyone to appear on the streets. He scorned the phrase ‘peaceful protestors’ that Barack Obama and others had called them and bemoaned the coming beauty of springtime with blossoms in the trees and children going to school while fascists caused mayhem in the streets of beautiful Kiev.
I read of a battalion of rioters formed from ex-IDF soldiers. I saw many images where toxic sprays were used on the police, of burning heads and bodies attacked with Molotov Cocktails, of a bulldozer used against a like of police armed only with a shield and baton, of so-called peaceful protestors wielding hand guns or hunting rifles. Of others with chains and arm-bands emblazoned with symbols closely matching those used by the Nazis including the 'Wolfsangel’.
Many symbols associated with the Nazis continue to be used in Ukraine by the so-called volunteer battalions including the black sun symbol.
'The Black Sun (German: Schwarze Sonne) is a Nazi symbol, a type of sun wheel (German: Sonnenrad) employed in a post–Nazi Germany context by neo-Nazis.
The symbol's design consists of twelve radial sig runes, similar to the symbols employed by the SS in their logo. It first appeared in Nazi Germany as a design element in a castle at Wewelsburg remodeled and expanded by Heinrich Himmler’. (Wikipedia)
After the Maidan coup events gathered pace in the rest of Ukraine. In Crimea and in the Donbass region next to the Russian border the people there literally saw the writing on the wall. Their right to elect the president and government of their choice had been taken violently from them. (If you look at any pre-coup map of Ukraine showing voting patterns from previous elections you will clearly see how west and east are divided more or less down the middle with the eastern half voting always for pro-Russian candidates.)
The population of Crimea predominantly considers itself to be Russian. When provocateurs arrived in Crimea’s capital with an obvious intent to create chaos and when a convoy of buses carrying men and women from Crimea who had attended an autonomy rally were stopped, the occupants taken out beaten, made to eat the glass of the smashed windows and ordered to say “Slava Ukraine!” the people of Crimea knew it was time to act, and to act swiftly.
A referendum was swiftly called and won by those voting to rejoin Russia from whom they had been separated by decree in 1954 by the order of Khrushchev. Crimea at least was safe for the time being though it was known that the ultra-nationalists remained an enormous danger to them. (An image was being passed around on the internet at that saying in Ukrainian that if Crimea was not to remain Ukrainian no human being would be left alive on it.)
Over in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine the population was more mixed, with pro-Russian people in the majority but nearly as big a majority as in the case of Crimea. It was clear that if the region wished to keep its pro-Russian history, legacy and fraternal associations with Russia along with the remembrance of being liberated by the Red Army at the end of the Great patriotic War it must do something to gain a high degree of autonomy to safeguard these vital elements of local culture. They knew the hatred, loathing and enmity with which they were held by those in the west of Ukraine who were infected by the legends concerning Hitler and the Nazis being right during the war in seeking to kill as many Russians as possible.
Armed men and large groups of civilians then began taking control of administrative offices across the Donbass. Calls for autonomy in a federated Ukraine were heard. The determination was to take sufficient control so that their voices would be heard and could not be ignored. They would not lie down and submit to the neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalists and the new coup leaders in Kiev who were at that very moment consulting with the CIA and those who had fostered and fomented the coup, Pyatt, Nuland, McCain and doubtless many others.
Some days passed before members of the Ukrainian army and assorted ragbag militants appeared. Road blocks were set up along with mortars outside of the provincial towns and cities of the Donbass. The war that is still ongoing to this day began then in the spring of 2014. The Ukrainian army was in poor shape and the coup leaders incorporated the ultra-violent, ultra-hate fueled extremists who had previously been on western streets calling for “Russians on knives!”.
To those arriving there were no good Ukrainians in the Donbass, they were all sub-human Moskals, every last man, woman and child.
Subsequently they found it to be of no effect on their consciences that they fired their mortar rounds at random into the nearest city, town or suburb. These rounds most often hit the tallest building on their flight path, hospitals, schools, an orphanage and most commonly apartment blocks. I saw the innumerable images of dead bodies, almost all civilians, young boys who had been playing football in a school playground, middle aged women who had been out shopping in their town center, old men bringing something home for a meal that day, a little blonde-haired girl being carried to an ambulance, a group of butchered civilians lying with their guts flowing out of them scattered on normal, everyday streets. These were not single images, they were many. There were so many gut-wrenching images on the internet at that time. One in particular was hard to bear, a young mother clearly dead lying beside her baby daughter, also quite clearly dead. I saw so many of these images. What I did not see was any reporting of these daily atrocities, no images of burning apartment blocks with old women holding their hands to their mouths in shock and fear. There was a complete absence of any reporting on anything I saw. It didn’t fit the narrative needed in Washington or Whitehall... therefore the suffering of countless families and the crimes of the human devils who perpetrated these things were all written out of history.
A few months later in June 2014 an incident took place which typified the level of response and coverage western mass media was giving to the atrocities committed by the Kiev forces and ultra-nationalist militants in the Donbass. It took place one sunny day in the city of Lugansk. Minutes before the attack from Ukrainian jets all had been peaceful, just a pleasant early summer’s day on a tree-lined street. On this street lay the administrative block from which the city was run. This was the target of the attack. Missiles and what appear to have been cluster munitions rained down through the trees and onto the street. The admin building was strafed and an office in the admin building was hit by a missile. Most casualties occurred outside however. Five women lay on the street, four killed outright, one Inna Kukuruza lying still conscious but with her legs shattered. Three men had also been hot and had died. All civilians.
One man appeared with a video camera unable to stop himself screaming at the outrage of this carnage all around him. Inna managed to say a few words to him, asking if her phone was nearby... she had two daughters and without doubt had wanted to tell them how much she loved them. She would surely have known she wouldn’t survive her injuries, her legs appeared as if an insane butcher had been hacking at them. Inna died on the way to the hospital that day as rescue service personnel arrived to deal with the dead.
Can you imagine the scene? An absolute hell. Broken branches and leaves scattered where they lay after multiple shots ripped through them to the ground below, hundreds of pock marks in the road, blood everywhere and corpses in their day clothes and a man with a video screaming in utmost agony and rage.
You may say surely this was on national news across the UK and USA that night. If not the headline then surely it receives special mention soon after? No. This was not the case. No mention was made of it at all. I searched the internet for reporting of this attack that day, that night and the next day. I found three items.
1. Within an article about another subject altogether concerning Ukraine that day on the BBC News website there was a single sentence mentioning a “blast” in Lugansk and some spokesperson in Kiev saying an air conditioning unit appeared to have exploded.
2. At least one report was made of the actual event, and surprisingly it was by CNN. This was only because a reporter had happened to be somewhere relatively nearby and rushed to the scene. No doubt due to the traumatic experience of being at these scene (despite it having been largely cleaned up at the time) she was unusually forthright and of course there had been no editors on the spot to tell her what to say and what not to say. She wandered the scene along the road and talked of how Kiev was saying what she was seeing could not possibly have been caused by fire from above. Instead of leaving it at that she stated that according to those she had been in contact with the damage to the trees showed that the fire had indeed come from above. She examined the small craters along the road where it had been strafed perhaps using cluster bombs or some other heavy-duty ammunition.
3. I searched and searched for the reports that surely must be out there considering the scale, drama and fatalities of what had taken place. Eventually I tracked down an article in some far from mainstream newspaper in France.
And that was it. That was the sum total of news coverage in the western world. And that told me everything. The first presidential election in Ukraine since the coup was only weeks away and Poroshenko was slated for an easy win. Nothing was to get in the way of that showy spectacle so needed to put the cherry on the top of western plans for Ukraine.
So you might say, obviously the BBC took note of the CNN report and printed something via their website the next day? No, they did not. They have not reported a single detail on this atrocity from that day they talked of a “blast in Lugansk” to this.
This was how it was for four whole years as I watched, scrutinizing every occurrence. If there was even the slightest possibility of pinning something on the so-called ‘Separatists’ then an entire article would be devoted to making the most of it with nothing indicating any right of reply. If, on the rare occasions when “mistakes” by the Ukrainian side could not possibly be ignored you would always find a paragraph or two of “balance” where the negativity of those Separatists (Self-Defense Forces) would be emphasized.
They say all’s fair in love and war and that truth is the first casualty of war and it was during these four years observing what was happening in Ukraine that I realized who the REAL enemy of humanity, the REAL deceivers on the geopolitical stage were and Russia was certainly not among them but of course was pilloried as the great monster and enemy of freedom, democracy and all else the West pretends to defend.
I would never see the West and its elites in the same way ever again. Not its political elites,, not its media elites, not the elites of the UN, the OECD, any of their NGOs, whether those of Soros, Human Rights Watch, Save the Children or Amnesty International or any of the well-heeled staff in their embassies and governmental institutions. They had neither shame not integrity and hardly the right to call themselves human beings at all. They had revealed themselves to be a pack of liars with not an ounce or iota of decency or true compassion to their names.
I determined in those many days, weeks, months and years watching the deceiving charade of western elites that my loyalties lay with their victims and those they wished to make scapegoats for revealing their crimes, the voices raised against them which thankfully have grown vastly in number since those early days I am talking of.
Who could believe that those saintly personages of the oh-so-respectable Whitehall and Washington elites could be capable of creating killing fields where legalized butchery took place every hour day and night in a Europe that had come through the horrors of Nazism?
And yet it is a fact that they did and still do.
I KNOW they did.
Ukraine removed every single blinker that had lain over my eyes concerning exactly where true evil lies on this planet.