The regime in Kiev complains when their troops or their neo-Nazi militants get killed.
There is a very fast solution which they could apply at any time they wish:
Stop attacking the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.
Sound simple?
It is.
It is not Kiev that is under attack. Since springtime 2014 military units from western Ukraine have been shelling the two cities above located in the Donbass, eastern Ukraine.
When they first arrived they set up their mortars outside multiple villages, towns and these cities and launched mortar fire indiscriminately toward them. Naturally the first buildings hit were the taller ones, apartment blocks, hospitals and schools, even an orphanage was hit. If the mortar shells didn’t hit one of these it hit the modest homes of civilian residents or landed in their streets and byways.
A self-defense force was hurriedly assembled by local men and women. Russian ex-military volunteers selflessly arrived to bolster their numbers and the siege of Donetsk and Lugansk began.
Ever since, western mainstream media has exclusively devoted its reporting to sob stories about the aggressors and totally failed to report on the vast proportion of fatalities among the civilian population.
Over 13,000 people have died since 2014 when Kiev sent troops to a region where the people were asking for autonomy to preserve their pro-Russian culture and preserve their right to speak Russian. During the winter months of 2013-14 U.S. officials directed a coup against the legally elected president and government of Ukraine. Senator John McCain, U.S. Ambassador Geoff Pyatt and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland walked among the violent protestors on Maidan Square, McCain even addressing them from a stage alongside the leader of a extreme right-wing party formerly known as the Social Nationalist Party. The ‘Heil Hitler’ straight armed salute was a common form of greeting for his party. Yet there McCain is urging those who were doing their level best to burn lightly-armed young policemen to death with Molotov Cocktails or beat them to death with nail-adorned clubs, heavy metal chains and bricks, or poison them with toxic sprays.
While all this was going on, with buildings set ablaze and at least 18 policemen dead Barack Obama warned the then Ukrainian authorities not to harm the “peaceful protestors”.
His words set the scene for all the reporting that was to follow right on up to the present day.
I watched intently as the West lauded armed rioters who were motivated by a virulent hatred cheered on by Washington as they brought down democracy in Ukraine.
I was disgusted at every detail of that time as I watching the West interfering at every level to bring Ukraine into a state of chaos and collapse. And their primary target, the collapse of democracy was achieved also. The people of eastern Ukraine lost their democratic right to help choose the president and government of their choice at that moment. Find any map of electoral results in Ukraine of years previous to these events and you will see just how divided Ukraine is in terms of allegiances. Western Ukraine chose pro-EU candidates, eastern Ukraine chose pro-Russian candidates. The USA and EU ran roughshod over any decent democratic system in 2013-14 and to believe anything else is a blatant geopolitical lie
I then watched as the people of Crimea who had watched their democratic system go down in flames on Kiev’s Maidan Square determined they would not be next for the torches. (Those who chant “Russians On Knives” as they march in their tens of thousands each year in Lviv do so at night carrying a flaming torch in each hand.”)
Crimea rejoined their historical and cultural motherland, Russia and broke free, threatened as they did so by the neo-Nazis horde in Kiev that if they did so they would be subject to annihilation.
My attention turned then to Donetsk and Lugansk where a second attempt was being made to escape the consequences of the fall of democracy in Kiev and the imposition of a U.S./EU sanctioned president and regime.
Donetsk, Lugansk came under a siege by Kiev’s military and neo-Nazi militias. Unlike western mainstream media I reported on the attacks against the civilian population there. I saw the images of the dead, civilians for the most part, elderly men and women, housewives out shopping or killed in what they thought was the safety of their homes. There were bodies of children too. I posted them all on Twitter.
Nothing of this was seen in western mainstream media. Not a thing.
As a Ukrainian jet strafed a city street in Lugansk on June 4th 2014 killing five women and three men the BBC reported a “blast” saying that their Kiev-based reporter was told by a regime official that “an air-conditioning unit” had exploded.
This was how things were. And still are in eastern Ukraine.
It is a media vacuum chamber and killing zone where only pro-regime data emerges, usually the same blame game sob story of how some of those surrounding and constantly bombarding Donetsk and Lugansk’s suburbs have died.
These media outlets mention the total number of dead from time to time leaving viewers and reads to figure out how so many civilians have died. They never dare say it would never have happened if the USA, UK and EU had not manipulated the rioters on Maidan Square, funded their actions, trained their leaders and plotted the overthrow of their president and government and thus setting in train all that was to follow.
It is Donetsk and Lugansk that are besieged, not Kiev. It is the Ukrainian military and neo-Nazi militias that are attacking these regions and killing civilians and terrorizing all others.
If those aggressors packed their weapons away and went back to their husbands and wives not a single person more would die.
THAT is the solution to the cry for self-reliance and autonomy and the preservation of a culture, not further aggression from Kiev and the West and certainly not the now proposed NATO campaign which looks very likely to start a new escalation upon that begun in recent weeks by Kiev.
THAT is the solution the West will not put into effect however as it is hell bent on the campaign for global domination that was instigated by 9/11.
Ukraine is simply a pawn in their end game to achieve total overarching control of our entire planet.
My message then is simple, if in vain: