First posted 12th June 2022.
Since Russia set herself free of the constraints put upon her by the western powers she became free to assert her rights protecting her national interests within her local sphere of influence.
The virtual stranglehold that western power has had over the world in general has been vastly loosened in recent years. China was first to effect this to any major extent. Now Russia has followed suit.
Other nations are increasingly obdurate against western influence due to waning western power to harm them. Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria for example. Others still, who until recently could be considered strong or relatively secure western/U.S. allies or at least friendly/neutral toward these are now wary of commitment or are increasingly negative. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and India are a few examples.
The western powers sought to exercise their accustomed ability to shape global events in response to Russia’s seemingly reckless invasion of Ukraine on February 24th. In light of the until then apparently still powerful ability of the West to respond it did indeed appear reckless. The expectation was (and the threat had already been made) that the western powers would wreak havoc in the Russian economy through the mother of all sanctions policies. However, Russia had clearly prepared the ground carefully as we now see.
The situation we now find ourselves in is quite extraordinary. In just a few short months what was supposed to be a devastating series of attacks that was meant to render Russia a bankrupt supplicant crawling to the West for mercy has resulted in an outcome that has turned the tables completely on the West. It is the western world that reels in agony with successive boomerang blows from a supremely counteractive sanctions policy on Russia.
Meanwhile, as the West rather than Russia succumbs to economic and financial turmoil Russia’s campaign in Ukraine is very close to achieving most of its goals. Concurrently the Russian economy is beginning to prosper, its currency has hardened in extraordinary fashion, it has a new, robust payments mechanism replacing SWIFT, prices are stabilizing and reducing, Russian entrepreneurs are filling the corporate slots abandoned by western enterprises and new trading partners are being found at what must be an alarming rate for western onlookers.
While all this was going on we had what appeared to be the unstoppable rise of Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky, backed by the assistance of the entire panoply of western power alongside that of every western mainstream media outlet and a vast array of ad hoc social support organisations created from outrage, sympathy and anger with over fifty public relations companies adding to and coordinating the charge, was on a roll.
Money and weaponry flowed in what appeared to be an endless waterfall into Ukraine. There appeared to be no limit to the help that was to be extended. The sky was the limit. Politicians agreed that Ukraine should receive all it needed with few voices urging any caution or accountability in this respect. The many spin machines in operation were working overtime. That of the Ukrainian regime itself was no exception. Whatever stories were required were produced, one following the other to keep the weapon and cash jamboree running at top speed.
Purported atrocities by Russia came one after another, or better said, created for western public consumption. News from the front was adjusted, turned through 180 degrees to produce headlines that gave the right impression and spun the required tale. The Ukrainian fighters were lionized, portrayed as shining heroes bravely combating evil (meanwhile ignoring their torturing of Russian POWs and their use of schools, hospitals and Ukrainian homes as their bases).
The spin all turned in one direction only, that which was positive for Ukraine, negative for Russia and that which generated a constant flow of weaponry and money into Ukraine. This was all grist to the western military complex mill also. Weapons stocks being rapidly depleted in the USA and across NATO allies would have to be replaced, new and very profitable contracts signed and the downward graph of profits seen after U.S. military withdrawals in the Middle east reversed.
This circle of advantageous events for both Ukraine and those who profited from the assistance given appeared likely to run successfully until what was talked about as Ukraine’s victory. That is until the last week or so when the triumphant jamboree bubble began to rapidly deflate. Ukraine, as opposed to triumphantly beating Russia with every passing day in chest-thumping splendour was suddenly and very shockingly perceived in reality to be losing heavily and at a level that could no longer be denied.
In recent days we have had an article by the New York Times, undoubtedly informed by some in elite political and military circles that indicates the Ukrainian spin machine was even turned upon them. The article indicates that the top brass of the West were also manipulated along with western population as a whole. It seems, according to the article, that Ukraine had supplied the West’s elites with what was deemed useful rather than that which was truthful. The arch manipulators had been skillfully manipulated.
Now that what appears to have been a campaign of wholesale deception on at least two levels, to the western elites and thence to the western populace, the backlash cannot help now but be underway. I predict a souring of the relationship with Zelensky and with the Ukrainian regime project in general. This in addition to a softening of attitudes toward Russia to obviate further devastating consequences across western economies.
This all in a matter of two short months. We truly live in extraordinary times.
And arguably the primary moral of this tale?