We are living through World War Three, thankfully, as yet, without the use of nuclear weapons.
World War Three, the final world war, was always going to be about the overall geopolitical environment to prevail for whatever future humanity has on this planet.
Especially so due to the events that took place in the USA on the eleventh of September 2001 this war was brought into being, though it could be argued that the foundations had been laid long before predicated upon the ethos of exceptionalism in North America and concepts of national supremacy in the United Kingdom.
These two nations are by far the main instigators of this war to supposedly end all wars. Their absolute determination to impose liberal hegemony on all nations they consider to be under their patrician umbrella of sanctified judicial command was always going to bring about this result. However, 9/11 put rocket boosters under their determination and brought forward to the maximum any previous plans to achieve the universal hegemony they believe is theirs by right.
The opposition of Vladimir Putin to the demand that the USA, UK and their allies be allowed global supervision rights along with unquestioned authority, ability to punish offenders at will with interventions up to an including military attacks and invasion was totally unacceptable.
Similarly, the economic rise of China presented another huge challenge to unquestioned western control and supervision rights, demanded an unending campaign be mounted to counter this threat to western hegemony.
These are the building blocks to the situation today in Ukraine where Russia is exerting its right to ensure its security within its sphere of influence. The necessity to do everything possible to subvert and collapse the Russian will is virtually without limit except for any acts that would instigate a nuclear exchange. All other means are being used against Russia just as they will be in future against China where an excuse will certainly be created, most likely in relation to Taiwan if other provocations designed to initiate such a situation fail.
What will be the outcome of such conflicts if they eventuate in a successful campaign by the USA, UK and allies against Russia and China? What would the inevitable next steps be if the leadership of both nations is decapitated and replaced along with their present systems of governance?
Certainly there would be an insistence that Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other ‘problem child’ nations be made to submit.
If these too fall to the collective west, what then?
In my considered opinion those surviving could wave goodbye to anything approaching freedom of choice in regard to political choice and preference for systems of governance outside a limited spectrum. The unchallenged supremacy of the USA and its allies would prevail in each and every circumstance where politics and systems of governance were concerned.
In addition the present surveillance systems of the NSA and others would be further honed and developed to monitor all behaviour and with especial focus on all potential “subversive” activity that challenged the new status quo.
What other world could possibly await us than a de facto prison planet where populations are constantly observed for tell-tale signs of discontent, the formation of disaffected groups and gatherings of suspicious kinds that may threaten good order?
Be careful what you wish for if you are wishing with all your heart for Russia’s campaign to fail.
You may just be wishing for your own imprisonment.