If Russia can tough out the next twelve to eighteen months it will have won a great victory over a western world that has done everything it knew how to bring it and its president down.
More than that Russia will be well underway toward completion of rendering every vulnerability it has to western state terrorism null and void.
For eight years since the West co-engineered a coup in Ukraine Russia has built her strength, learned from western sanctions over Crimea and its support of the autonomy-seeking republics, found new markets for its products, begun to de-dollarize and rejig its economy in general to be more self-sufficient and robust and built its financial position to new heights.
In February of two thousand and twenty two Russia was finally ready to take on her tormentors.
Russia no longer had any fear of being irreparably damaged as a result of protecting its security, demonstrating its determination to protect its loved-ones and no longer cowed into not demonstrating the extent of her true sphere of influence.
The events of 2022 will resound down the years within the future Russia as the time when the full re-establishment of Russian pride was realised. The man who added to his fame of almost single-handedly saving Russia from external western exploitation and internal social implosion by valiantly sticking his middle finger up to the West in 2022 will obviously be legendary in all the totally independent, sovereign and powerful editions of Russia to come.
With China Russia will, merely by her economic success in tandem with that of her closest ally bring about a multipolar world, generate a wholly new geopolitical environment where Eurasian peace, investment, agreement and tolerance of diversity replace western war, debt, division and intolerance for other forms of governance.
A new era is being born.
For a time tolerance rather than friendship will prevail as our world splits in two. However, with time, I believe the buds of friendship will once again meet the sunshine of a new Spring.