The phenomenon resembles a kind of mass hypnosis. Each participant is deepening the hypnotic trance of their neighbour until everyone agrees on the delusion that has solidified around them.
In this mass state of total delusion predicated upon false certainty no chink of enlightening light represented by historical fact can penetrate.
All is coloured in blue and yellow jingoistic fervour where a manic black and white dualist belief system challenges any contrary data to affect it in the slightest.
The truth is what western elites and their press and media outlets say it is and there is the end of the matter. Those that say differently are ‘Russian Agents’, ‘Putin Puppets’, ‘Useful Idiots’, ‘Spies’ and ‘Traitors’.
How soon before images of Vladimir Putin are burned on main streets and town squares everywhere? How soon before the thought police roam around looking for those who dare to contradict the official narrative? How long before the NSA is invited into every European and North American home to keep its inhabitants “safe” from pernicious Russian influence?
The mass insanity we are seeing has been a long time in preparation. Putin has been set up for this since at least 2007. Russia in general, not for much less than that. If you have noticed the seemingly endless stream of magazine covers and articles depicting Putin as a monster and the repeated framing of Russia as an ‘adversary’ and ‘enemy’ of the United States in U.S. state documents you can see how the way was prepared. And of course the complete lack of any contradiction to all this in western mainstream media totally sealed the deal.
What were everyday Dick and Doris going about their busy lives, working all day and catering to their kids’ needs at night, going to think having no time or inclination to dig deep on the internet to discover the other side to what the mags, hacks and talking heads on TV were telling them? The mesmerism has been all-pervasive. The hypnotic phrases have been endlessly repeated. What chance have the majority had to believe anything different to what they have been told over and over and over again?
Now that they have been given the main course after the endless entrees they are reacting, not with a belly ache but with a five star fury against the evil monster and monsters they have been primed to loathe for a decade and a half now at least.
But the western world has a ‘free press’ does it not and leaders who are honest Joe’s who tell it like it is, isn’t that right?
Hopefully you are not suddenly finding out that precisely neither of these statements is true in the least.