Hubris has its certain downside and arguably the entire western world has arrived at the ultimate blowback of its incessant overreach. Pushing Russia to its limit and beyond looks very much like being the gun with which the western powers are shooting themselves multiple times in the foot.
The USA has now had to go crawling back to Venezuela in supplication, pleading to be sold the oil it did everything in its power to cut the flow of to anywhere. To get that oil it must acknowledge Nicolas Maduro is the sole and rightful president of the country, a man the USA tried its best, including using mercenaries and an assassination, to remove from power.
The Venezuelans have surely also asked for all its gold, criminally withheld by London to be returned to it also. Finally, some kind of ritual humiliation of the West’s favourite and wannabe quisling, Juan Guaidó, is surely also in order.
And what of Iran? Yet another source of oil the USA sought to staunch. How speedily will the old deal to allow it to flow and flow chiefly to ‘The Great Satan’ be put back in place.
There is something karmic about oil being the vehicle that brings about the West’s imminent downfall as it was one of the primary reasons why the USA, UK and their craven allies and assorted proxies and puppets engaged in their string of regime change atrocities across the Middle East in recent memory.
Hoist by their own petard, reduced to snivelling supplicants, brought low and begging… how the mighty have fallen.