How easy is it for the average westerner to escape the media bubble that surrounds them?
You may say it is extremely easy, he or she need only cancel their subscription to their long-read mainstream newspaper that has in recent years become more of a viewspaper and switch off the ‘Devil’s Fishtank’ that feeds them the same old one-sided “news” day and night.
Easy peasey!
But somehow, though many have taken the actions above and gone online to get a balanced view, or at least one that is not quite so grossly partial and obviously balanced, this group clearly remains in the minority.
What of the rest?
From my point of view at least they lend themselves all too easily swayed by the agenda sought which inevitably reflects that of their fellow elites in the political sphere. The repetitive effect and definitive tone renders “news” of geopolitical events affecting western elite interests as a seriously effective conditioning tool. How could it fail to? It has been known by despots through recorded history that repeating the same things endlessly eventually reaches the subconscious of the listener… then he or she, is yours.
Demonizing the “enemy” to garner support is THE primary technique used in a war situation where the vital interests of the state are involved and so it remains today.
And there, in his or her comfy chair sits the recipient, usually quite oblivious to his or her status as a lab rat receiving an injection of obedience to display this or that characteristic dependent upon ‘his master’s voice’. HMV has gone semi-global.
As George Orwell once remarked. “The people will believe what the media tells them they believe”.