It should perhaps be kept in mind as a remote possibility that the present circumstances may be exactly what the USA has played for over the last eight years since the Maidan coup.
Can I ask that you hold onto your reservations just for a few minutes while I explain?
As you will hopefully agree, the West as a whole has been descending in geopolitical influence in recent times while Eurasia has been rising, predominantly referring of course to China. This gave the western powers the incentive to begin a wrecking ball policy regarding all those eastern powers that represented a grave economic threat to the continued, long-held dominance of the West and predominantly the USA.
The economic prowess of the USA fed directly into its continual pole position as the most prominent mover and shaker globally on a whole range of important levers allowing it to make great influence be felt to its advantage in whatever field required a push in the right direction. This was at the nexus point of all its endeavours, ensuring arms could be twisted when necessary, credible threats made, bribes and blackmail put together whenever it was felt appropriate, and with complete immunity as the apex global predator.
This economic prowess transferred directly into political influence and military reach. Without the aspect economic success feeding constantly into the equation the downward slope of all the other benefits accruing from it beckoned. Hence the wrecking ball policy to downgrade the economic reach of its rivals.
Perhaps however, this was not seen as sufficient any more to fully guarantee the continuance of its economic success, perhaps it was seen that the rival powers must be driven completely out of its long-held fiefdom of control across Europe at the very least, and further afield to the greatest extent possible. Dividing the world into a mutually exclusive ‘Us and Them’ halves could have been seen as contributing much to shoring up the continuing economic success the USA desperately needed through the elimination of competitors who’d begun to infiltrate into its fiefdom.
It could be seen that Trump began this process by attacking multiple successful Chinese corporations and initiating a Covid scare campaign against China, a kind of reputational terrorism if you like, with the goal of persuading western corporate and public customers to stop buying Chinese products and investing in China, to pull back into ‘home territory’.
Biden, with his ‘Ice Cold War’ policy of getting all allies on side and under the same security umbrella and ending any real diplomacy, continued the pressuring of Russia that the previous two presidents had ramped up in their own time in office.
In this theory Ukraine and NATO were to be used to set a trap for the first candidate, Russia, with Ukraine being the pawn to be sacrificed in order for the western king and queen, the USA and UK to win out in this first of two matches.
The plan I envisage here was that Russia would be endlessly baited until it did what it has just done by invading Ukraine which in turn provided the huge momentum the populations of the West had been groomed to provide that would then enable the clearing of all Russian (and at a later date) all Chinese economic interests from the entire fiefdom the USA and its allies would retain all to themselves.
I admit this is quite a wild theory and on the face of it contrary to most analyses on either side of the present divide. I leave it here as a mere speculative brainstorm, but at the very least I think you may agree there is a certain logic that belies its apparent hair-brained status.