“Great” Britain has decreed another round of measures to silence Russia and make it impossible to hear anything it has to say. The British government wishes to be the only voice heard by Brits concerning the situation in Ukraine… and no doubt on any other subject that might be the cause of any embarrassment to it. Adults are to be treated as innocent little kiddiewinkles in the country that produced Shakespeare and many other literary luminaries.
It seems that residents of the United Kingdom have become unable to use their grey matter in the manner they once did so successfully. Now Mummy must protect the little souls with their atrophied brains from anything which might cause them to get overly confused. The poor little darlings!
Mummy Truss will bind their eyes and if at all possible, in true ‘Children should be seen and not heard” fashion, gag their mouths as well whenever she thinks fit.
It’s all for their own good it seems. Too much news is bad for the brain. Reality is not all it’s made out to be of course. Better by far to watch your favourite reality show and dial down that overtired brain… give it a rest while we at 10 Downing Street and surrounds programme you instead.
Because you know you can never be too careful when dealing with misinformation! Those nasty Russkies are INCREDIBLY adept at that devilish art… look at how they swung the 2016 presidential election in America with only $90k of Facebook ads!!!
No, for their own good the wide-eyed innocents of Gross…, sorry Great Britain, must be put in a mental straitjacket with only the British state’s newsfodder to consume.
“Well damn that internet anyway! How dare people infect minds with those terrible lies! It’s outrageous! We in Whitehall and Washington only speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Everyone knows that………………… don’t they?”