Fundamental Error #1
The USA ought not to have interfered in Ukraine’s internal political and social dynamics, which it did for 20 years before the Maidan riots.
Fundamental Error #2
USA & EU took an undemocratic and immoral stance in cheering on the minority mob of ultra-violent thugs on the Maidan.
Fundamental Error #3
USA & EU were fully cognizant of the fact that in their destabilisation of Ukraine Russia would be hugely provoked.
Fundamental Error #4
The USA's pre-arranged stooges were installed in Kiev. Then Merkel & others within the EU willingly sanitized the illegal coup that had taken place
Fundamental Error #5
The Kiev coup leaders enlisted the most violent & hate-filled of the Neo-Nazi Maidan thugs into its army and sent them east to kill those they despised.
Fundamental Error #6
Faith in the democratic process was the lynchpin holding the two extremely disparate parts of Ukraine together. The USA & EU helped smash it on Maidan.
Fundamental Error #7
When, predictably, seeing the lynchpin of democracy smashed, the people of the east rose up, terrorist violence was used against them.
Fundamental Error #8
There was zero recognition by USA, EU & Kiev that the rights of the people of the Donbass had been subverted or to acknowledge this.
Fundamental Error #9
The sending of an army part-composed of Maidan Neo-Nazi thugs to the east, whose belief-system named people of the east sub-human, was an evil act.
Fundamental Error #10
When the Neo-Nazi-infected army began shelling civilian homes, hospitals & schools from May 2014 it was unconscionably callous for USA, EU and UN to ignore the fact.
Fundamental Error #11
To assume that a grassroots occupy-movement in the east could be crushed by intimidation & ultra-violence as was the case on Maidan, was a gross error.
Fundamental Error #12
To not realise there would be a predictable blowback of resistance to the mass killing of civilians and destruction of their homes, hospitals and schools was mind-bogglingly stupid.
Fundamental Error #13
To massively underestimate the extent to which many Russians would commit to helping those under attack, again ridiculous stupidity.
Fundamental Error #14
For western press & media to ignore the obvious war crimes of Ukraine, leading Kiev to be emboldened to commit even more, a callous and in fact evil act.
Fundamental Error #15
For West & Kiev, instead of confronting the reality of a local, regional revolt, to create a smokescreen cover-story about Russia, the height of duplicity.
Fundamental Error #16
For USA & EU to continually support and even praise clear evidence of state terrorism by the Ukrainian coup leaders indicates how degraded US state is.
Fundamental Error #17
For the West to talk in terms of “poor Ukraine”, as a victim, when in fact it was acting as vicious predator, shows US state willing to lie repeatedly.
Fundamental Error #18
USA, EU and the UN turning a blind eye month after month to civilian casualties without insisting a ceasefire be called to save lives. Acts of inhumanity.
Fundamental Error #19
Arguably above all other errors the West abandoned its precious moral principles & integrity by complicity with Ukraine’s crimes against humanity.
“Arguably above all other errors the West abandoned its precious moral principles & integrity by complicity with Ukraine’s crimes against humanity” - I am afraid that this has happened a long time ago. It is rather sad.