Humiliation for all who worked to use Ukraine as a weapon against Russia is coming closer by the day. The political/geopolitical consequences of the West-promoted Ukrainian debacle will be immense.
The notion to undermine Russia using Ukraine as a tool has a long heritage stretching back to at least the 2008 NATO Bucharest summit where Ukraine along with Georgia were given the green light to join NATO at some unspecified date.
The full support given to the Ukrainian insurrectionists on Kiev's Maidan Square in the winter of 2013/14 by all western leaders resulted in a coup which brought the West's most favoured Ukrainian politicians to power.
The eastern half of Ukraine, consisting primarily of Russian-speaking Ukrainians and ethnic Russians saw their democratic rights removed and revolted in turn against the US/CIA-controlled president and government.
The coup government responded to the non-violent revolt of the Russian-speaking majority in eastern Ukraine by sending the Ukrainian military to quell all resistance and restore "normality". Thus the present conflict began and began in the early months of 2014. From the moment the Ukrainian military arrived in eastern Ukraine until Russia's special military operation on the 24th of February 2022 approximately 15,000 civilians died, the vast majority killed by the attacking Ukrainian military.
It is now just over two years since Russia acted to bring the ongoing conflict between successive Ukrainian regimes and the Russian-speaking majority in eastern Ukraine to an end. Slowly Russia has dismantled the complex defence system built since 2014 designed to maintain a permanent siege against the Russian-speaking majority in eastern Ukraine.Â
In recent weeks Russia has instigated a series of attacks against Ukrainian positions which are slowly but surely eliminating the ability of the Ukrainian military to shell the civilian population of Donetsk city. As of writing this task is ongoing with Ukrainian-held towns and villages near Donetsk city being eliminated, often in several locations over each 24 hour period.Â
The above significant successes by the Russian military can no longer be ignored in the West as can be seen by a flurry of articles in the mainstream media there and also by panic measures such as the hastily called meeting of European leaders by President Macron of France. This will undoubtedly be the start of an ever-increasing number of such meetings, both public and private as the situation grows ever more dire.
The immediate future cannot but reflect the now obvious reality on the ground in Ukraine. Russia is stronger now than at the start of its ‘special military operation’, economically, financially, militarily and in terms of the powerful allies that have stuck with Russia throughout this crisis and who now clamour to join the BRICS group in which Russia is a founding member. Â
The level of anxiety within western circles is growing by the day as the reality in Ukraine becomes unavoidable and all the political and media public relations and totally one-sided coverage is increasingly seen through.
No amount of political twisting and turning will work any longer. The western political elites and their mainstream media support group are facing total humiliation across any number of issues. They face a crisis of enormous proportions that is coming at them like a tidal wave. Every day now will bring Russia’s ultimate victory closer and those who tried to undermine Russia through Ukraine nearer to their political demise.
Ukraine will be left an economic basket case through this tragic miscalculation by the West. It has been estimated within Ukraine that something above 10% of the population are now disabled. Ukraine’s economy is in ruins and will require billions in support monthly by its western controllers each month for decades to come.Â
This was a conflict that should never have happened. Russia tried for seven whole years to convince the Ukrainians and their western supporters to take the path to peace and reconciliation that was agreed in Minsk and became known as the Minsk Accords. Successive Ukrainian presidents along with figures such as Germany’s Merkel and France’s Hollande were never serious about taking the path to peace but instead used these years to build up the Ukrainian military and its network of siege armaments against the Russian-speakers. Now we see how their plans have totally and utterly failed. The end result will be a catastrophic collapse across the western elite superstructure with many of the leaders who fomented war suffering total humiliation… no matter how they twist and turn in their tawdry and impotent attempts to avoid it.
I did catch an article on msm citing cia complaints of what might happen to the functioning of the agency if Trump were elected. I mention it because it seemed symptomatic of the hysteria mentioned in this article. It would be great if the author's prognosis comes to pass. Not sure these folks won't just circle the wagons.