Something is afoot. There is a plan behind the West’s game regarding Ukraine. The need to portray Russia in a bad light is urgent, that’s clear.
Provocations are being played out constantly with no attempt to calm the waters, quite the reverse, the West and the regime in Kiev are both ramping up the pressure toward some end. But what could it be?
Like schoolyard bullies, are NATO and the regime in Kiev taunting Russia with the hope that Moscow will lash out… then be hit hard. But hit hard with what? Not military action I’d guess. If not that, then what?
Is the plan to find cover to get Ukraine into NATO by pointing at ‘Russian aggression? But that’s something we’ve heard claimed time after time with not a shred of evidence besides Russia moving its troops within Russia. What could be the additional factor both NATO and the regime are struggling to make its appearance?
If Russia could be taunted enough with a series of heightened attacks by the Ukrainian army and their neo-Nazi inclined militias could it be made to lash out enough to justify Kiev saying they simply MUST join NATO and, crucially, NATO agreeing? NATO could point to the now obvious “Russian aggression” as it will be framed (without of course any mention of the heightened attacks by Ukraine that provoked the Russian response).
The entire course of the NATO progression eastward has caused a Russian response. The coup in Kiev in the winter of 2013-14 could not possibly have given more cause to one. Then the use of the Ukrainian army and its murderous so-called volunteer battalions against a largely civilian population in south-east Ukraine caused even more responses from Russia. The West ramped up the rhetoric against Russia for all these responses (including its reunification with Crimea) all the way from 2014 to now. Russia has attempted until recently to find ways to ameliorate the situation and find some common ground with the West. In recent times, after strengthening its hand, Russia has at last given up this fruitless pursuit.
With Russia in a stronger position and increasingly so are the regime and NATO devoting themselves to one last desperate throw of the dice, seeking to poke the Russian bear into a response it can mercilessly beaten for? Not that the goal will be violence against Russia, more like putting Russia in a cage where its options for movement are much fewer. Such as manoeuvring Ukraine into NATO as described above.
Or, as I have spoken of in a previous piece, will there be an influx of foreign troops into Ukraine and to the front line for a mission to take back Donetsk and Lugansk from pro-Russian control daring Putin to attack and kill NATO, EU, UK and U.S. troops?
Whatever is going on, whatever the reasons behind the ramping up of the rhetoric and pressure, it is certain that they will have been meticulously planned across the array of western agencies and organisations from the various political heads to military chiefs to NATO, the CIA, MI6 and beyond.
No true diplomacy is taking place, nor confidence-building measures. Only the appearance of these to make the coming betrayals even more acutely painful it seems. Russia is dealing with the most devious and Machiavellian players out there and is hopefully fully aware this is the case. The daggers are certainly being held behind many backs currently. The good cop bad cop strategy and a vast array of other dirty tricks are undoubtedly at play.
The goal is clear even if the methodologies to achieve it are not. To get Ukraine within NATO and further corner Russia. And in the process blacken Russia’s name even further than it has already been with patchy effect. The Russiagate scam had seemed to work well at first but many now have seen behind it and recognised the lack of integrity, indeed the scheming and the schemers behind it. I believe the western elites now need a demonstration of force by Russia to point to in vindication of all their recent lies about Russia’s “aggression” and “interference” of the near past.
Whatever is going on it is very certainly aimed at harming Russia in one way or another. Russia has made it very clear that it has no intention of invading Ukraine as is being constantly asserted by the Ukrainian regime and the West in general. Not unless the regime attacks the pro-Russian populations of Donetsk and Lugansk. If this occurs Russia will certainly act to protect them. What Ukraine and NATO need is something to point at more than the hackneyed phrase concerning Russian troops “massing near the border”.
Is this the game being played then, the well known favoured tactic of all those who would wish to provoke a response so that they can use it to their advantage? It fits with all that is known of the underhand tactics of lies and propaganda the West has used in recent years to get their way, in those cases to attack and invade nations with virtual impunity. By constantly goading Russia almost to the level of mockery through insults couched as subtle put-downs as in the recent response by Stoltenberg to Putin’s demand that NATO sign a written pledge not to encroach on Russia’s border to any greater extent, are western powers and regime coaxing Russia to make an attack?
At this moment in time, there is nothing that is being done that would stimulate such a response from Russia. It would take something much more substantial… and violent. But the taunts and goads to this point could well be aimed at priming Russia to the point of total exasperation at the right moment. And at the “right moment” creating an incident that Russia simply cannot ignore and feels compelled to respond to.