The Bucha massacre is the latest in a series of attempts by the Kiev regime to create an emotional tsunami to save it from the Russian campaign against it.
But will it be the last?
There has been much talk regarding the possibility of a chemical weapons attack in Ukraine. This has come from both sides in the conflict. On the western side Russia has been portrayed as losing in Ukraine and therefore becoming desperate enough to use chemical weapons.
Russia has pointed to several events and incidents that indicate the preponderance of evidence indicates the Kiev regime is intent on a false flag incident to implicate Russia.
Though expert opinion is of the view that though much has been made of chemical weapons as being some kind of super weapon, the facts indicate their use kills far fewer than conventional attacks. Nevertheless, the use of chemical weapons has an emotional charge far outweighing the casualty figures any such attack could generate.
Much hangs on which side might be desperate enough to commit a chemical weapon attack with potential atrocity status and generate much needed support, the losing side clearly.
Much has been made of Russia failing to take Ukrainian cities and especially the capital city of Ukraine, Kiev. Many articles infer that Russia is therefore losing, has an army that is “stalled”, running out of fuel, food and ammunition and is therefore in such a desperate position failing in its goals that it could very well initiate a chemical weapons attack. But is any of this true? Or is it only the precursor to a chemical weapons false flag event?
It is stated clearly within both verbal and written statements that Russia’s primary goal is to ensure the safety and security of the pro-Russian, Russian-speaking population of the Donbass region of Ukraine in the south-east of the country. The Russian troops elsewhere have the goal to restrain Ukrainian troop movements ensuring they are unable to reinforce the Ukrainian army divisions in the Donbass.
Though no military campaign goes completely according to plan I have detected no major problems with the Russian plan. In the Donbass all pockets containing divisions of the Ukrainian army are surrounded and contained. With this being the case and sufficient Russian troops being in position, along with access of Kiev regime troops to food, water and fuel extremely limited, redeployment to the Donbass for many is now a possibility.
I see no reason whatsoever for Russia to use chemical weapons of any kind. Russia is attaining its goals and has no reason for desperation of any kind and is certainly not failing in its central mission, to win the Donbass and fully secure it by ejecting or eliminating all Ukrainian troops within it. With little to no outside interference of any great importance and certainly no NATO interference Russia need worry about, the task of attaining all planned campaign goals appears assured of success.
The Kiev regime however, has every incentive to create maximum emotional appeals to outsiders as it has zero chance of stopping the advance of Russia’s goals to completion. The only hope, and it is a very slender one, that Zelensky and his military/security apparatus has of denying Russia complete success is to manage to engage outside help. A chemical weapons false flag appears the last possible hope for the regime after a series of earlier provocations, including the most recent in Bucha, which failed in its purpose.
In his desperation Zelensky needs to gain help from NATO… however, such a prospect would surely expose the entire world to an eventual nuclear holocaust.
The present desperation of Zelensky and his forces hence begs the question, will Bucha be the very last attempt to draw NATO into World War Three? Or will a chemical weapons event be staged as one last desperate attempt to do so?