While the rest of the world has good trading relations with Russia the USA and its evil puppy, Great Britain continue to hurl abuse and accusations at her.
These two more than any other nations have caused widespread fear, death and destruction in recent years. Yet it is also these two who preen themselves as civilised and exceptionally peace-loving. Try to square that circle if you will.
There is a certain overweening arrogance in setting up as the world’s judge, jury and executioner but the irony of the two most bloodthirsty criminal nations doing so seems totally lost on them. Whatever the lies, whatever the brutality and perpetration of mass murder on an industrial scale, these two soldier on with halos firmly affixed.
How are these tricks of massive deception carried out with such aplomb, how do they get away with their flagrant abuse of international law with seeming immunity from prosecution and a global aura of impunity? Naturally it all comes down to the position of power over others that they have garnered to themselves over the years.
Centuries of exploitation, belligerence, threat, arm-twisting and unlawful punishments against those disobeying their commands have brought the USA and UK to this point. Plundering weaker nations of their resources (colonialism), and using them as a source of cheap or even free labour (slavery) has made them the dominant force for their own self-interest the world has ever seen.
Now their eyes are fixed on the last group of nations they have as yet not managed to subjugate to their will. Among them the chief candidates to be demonised, subverted, undermined and brought to heel are Russia and China, all the while keeping the regime change pot boiling under Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Yemen and several other targets for geopolitical elimination.
These two belligerents, global vandals, bullies and criminal aggressors do all this with not one iota of shame, not one whit of guilt, they conceive themselves to be righteous and vigorously defend the myth that they are bringing the world peace, freedom and democracy. These vainglorious destroyers of nations conceive themselves to be sanctified by God, no doubt the wrathful, vengeful and intolerant god of the Old Testament. Such is their devious blasphemy.
To fully encompass the insanity of these two wrecker nations in words, consumed as they are by a greedy ambition never to be satiated is impossible. The sheen of holier-than-thou smiles that they turn to the world as they slaughter challenges the power of mere words to portray. Their ineffably evil acts, delivered with sanctimonious self-righteousness makes the stomach turn, the mind to reel and the ability to encompass such depravity fail.
While most of the world seeks to get along nation to nation in peace, trading one with another and maintaining good relations whenever and wherever possible the USA and UK stand out in stark contrast. Their cancerous covert tentacles reach out and into every nation on the planet manipulating situations to their advantage, undermining, demonising and subverting those who oppose them, threatening the good, and bribing the corrupt, until all do their will.
Should the tactics immediately above fail, then these jackals of worldwide criminality tell sufficient lies to manipulate a sanction for them to indulge in yet another orgy of violence, mass murder and devastating destruction, totally wrecking target nations and fragmenting entire regions.
These are the products of an insane breed of malignant spawn born in the West that have an insatiable appetite to attain a monopoly for their evil goods and services. Their wares bring death and destruction to those they conceive as their rivals and competition. Only complete domination will satisfy them in a market place where their intolerance and deadly insanity rules all.
These are: The USA, UK & Co. (a.k.a. WARMONGERS INC.)
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