It's the end game... the final world war
The tactics are clear, win at all costs.
Western elites have long seen their domination of our planet ending within their lifetimes and they are devastated at the thought of all that this means.
Imagine how much their present position grants them continual feelings of being empowered. It imbues all their administrative structures with a potency that would be immediately lost if their present level of patrician power is denied them.
They would hardly know how to conduct themselves within a multipolar world. They are so used to being the movers and shakers of our world.
They can’t imagine their lives without that permanent sense of importance and meaning that having the power to manipulate others grants them.
Their status as global lawmakers, international fixers, arbiters of all global right and wrong and the incessant generators of think tanks and international entities always predicated upon an ever ascendant West. Stern adjudicators of rights and wrongs where they pose as ever correct critics of all other nations... and so many more kudos-bringing, ego-massaging, bank account fueling benefits that would be reduced in scale and perhaps lost entirely if they lost the pole position they have become so used to.
They have been the kingpins for so long now that they have no concept of any other possible reality that could inform them of how to be otherwise. Surely the world will go to hell without them? It is clear that they believe this from the top of their carefully groomed heads down to their designer-shoed toes. They believe they “know” that foreigners can’t be trusted with their job for life, that of presiding over the world, maintaining a near-absolute dominance over it.
There is a requirement for another word for their condition that denotes more than a simple and deeply deluded patrician duty of care. It certainly involves unspoken racism covering any race not aligned with them, their agendas, narratives and goals. Currently, they embody a clear superiority complex whereby they assume an inalienable right to control and criticize others as their rightful heritage and solemn duty. The hubris is breathtaking and demands full global hegemony. They represent a certain group thought ideal, an unquestioning concept of their entitlement to govern us all that is utterly unquestioned among them.
The reaction to the thought that what they have may well be lost is visceral and is revealed in the desperate methods they are now employing. It is beyond mere fear, beyond even panic... it makes them sweat to their core in dread which they then conveniently sublimate as concern for others. There is no true concern for others, however, not for anyone but themselves and the addiction for power from which they suffer.
They tell themselves they owe it to the world to maintain their great and responsible position of authority, that they are the last defence against a foreign, uncivilized barbarity that would sweep aside all regard for human rights and democracy. The values that emerge they assert would not be western liberal values but some authoritarian miasma from which the world would never recover.
They tell themselves these things endlessly, forever reinforcing their own position and group thought mentality, endlessly avoiding the mass murder they have perpetrated in recent years to do maintain their grip on the world. Endlessly conjuring up false devils and terrible abuses, always other than their own of course. They need this to point to in order to minimize if not totally erase their own crimes, to glorify themselves and to demonize others.
They will do anything to stay in power.
Staying in power is justified by them in a hundred different ways so permitting all lies and any and all immoral, unethical or criminal acts that assist them in their cause.
To remain in power.
To retain the myriad benefits that this power bestows upon them.
To maintain power and influence while others die in their hundreds of thousands.
And they will certainly call all this a price well worth paying.
The western elites are playing for keeps, this is a life and death, win or lose all struggle for them.
And victory in this end game war, the final world war, matters so much more to these elites than your survival ever could...