The so-called security forces in Ukraine have gone rogue. Multiple shocking images are emerging of so-called ‘Marauders’ being taped to trees, lamp posts and basically any upright pole that will take them.
These hapless figures can be taken and taped up for the smallest of crimes such as stealing a loaf of bread. It is suspected many are taken and abused simply for saying a few words in Russian. (A test exists apparently where a “suspect” is asked to say a certain word in Ukrainian. Failing this test results in a punishment of one kind or another.
This latter case reminds me of the so-called ‘Minister of Education’ for Ukraine who was put in place after the Maidan insurrection. The video I saw had her walking round a classroom of eight or nine year old asking their names. If it was a Ukrainian name they got a big smile and a well done. When some poor mite gave a Russian name she instantly turned negative and lamented that its parents had done him or her a great wrong.
I was also reminded of a video that I have never forgotten of a lorry driver who had been stopped along the road in Syria by ISIS and given a test involving a passage from the Koran. The answer would determine whether he would live or die. In this case he was summarily shot.
In Ukraine currently you could easily meet the same fate such is the hatred for all who have anything of the Russian about them. And this is not something that came about since February 24th… this has been the attitude of the large, hate-fuelled minority of western Ukraine who regard all in eastern Ukraine as ‘Moskals’ (Russians).
When Putin talked of the intent to perpetrate a genocide in eastern Ukraine he was mocked. But this most certainly was the end-game intent of those extreme Ukrainian nationalists who were seen on Kiev’s Maidan and subsequently invited to join the lacklustre Ukrainian army and national guard. The idea was to introduce new and more virulent blood into these institutions.
The plethora of images such as the one above are the result.
The western world ought to be careful what it wishes for and who it invites to come and live next door or in their spare room. The people who would do such things would certainly be the neighbours from Hell.
I would suggest boning up on the history of Nazi mythology as it relates to Ukraine and bypass the pooh-poohing of western political and media elites on the subject. These people are tooled up and dangerous… and the most dangerous facet they have is what runs through their minds.