What is the underlying nature of the global conflict that we see consuming the attention of western political elites currently and what might the consequences be for every last one of us?
Whether you believe 9/11 was an inside job or was the result of international terrorism, it has as a consequence, resulted in a drive for permanent and unquestioned global dominance by the USA and its proxies. Through this drive for complete, overarching wardenship over the entire planet and via this, unfettered access to all modes of communication and unlimited ability to punish incorrect thoughts and deeds, the USA and its proxies mean to achieve ‘full spectrum dominance’ worldwide.
It was already assumed before 9/11 that due to the exceptional nature of the USA that the assertion of its will on the world would be its most worthy beneficial act in honour of the God that had blessed them with the power to effect this task. The mythology of the pilgrim fathers fleeing despotic regimes demanded that all such regimes in modern times be overthrown. This only seemed right, indeed a duty. This project was however, in the background before 9/11, lacking the powerful impulse that 9/11 would give it. After 9/11 it became perceived as a messianic necessity.
The impulse above is singular in its path and those who feel themselves charged with effecting this holy duty do not, cannot and never will question its rightness nor conceive of any alternate path. The zealots who hold all this in dedication as their life’s work to achieve will accept nothing less. There can be no deviation from the goal of complete and unrivalled global domination. Failing to reach this goal is unthinkable. The western world MUST be made safe within the great stage of universal democracy, firmly held in place by those who can be trusted to preserve it through transforming all rival systems into mirror images of itself.
Until the goal of total liberal elite dominance worldwide is achieved no project can be allowed to rival it. No other issue will significantly affect its pursuit, nothing can be allowed to distract from its urgent deliverance. No law, jurisdiction, concept of sovereignty, nor ethical or moral code will be allowed to present a barrier to those actions deemed necessary to achieve it in its entirety. The goal, unquestioned and unquestionable, will be pursued despite any and all negative outcomes no matter how unthinkable they may have been previously. No limit will ever be placed upon the actions deemed necessary to achieve a successful final outcome.
The agreement to these necessary changes has been enforced in all nations within the orbit of U.S. control largely without question. Those within the orbit who refuse to any degree will be undermined through attack by all means considered necessary until they relent or are replaced. A unified front is the essential tool through which target nations will be rendered compliant or have their unacceptable modes of governance dismantled and replaced. Unity of purpose and coordinated action among members enable the directed power to overcome and destroy any and all adversaries… without exception. Constant adherence to agreed narratives against all adversaries being essential.
The ultimate end result envisioned is a planet monitored in depth where all adversaries have been eliminated and replaced, where any trace of opposition to the new order is speedily identified and nullified. No rogue elements will be allowed to escape the filtration process presently underway. All such elements require removal by extreme prejudice and replacement by conforming entities willing to embrace every positive element within the necessary, post 9/11 changes. Any and all opposition will be destroyed toward the end goal of global stability, individual freedom and world peace. No alternative reality is acceptable.
If the USA and its proxies find insurmountable difficulty in the tasks named above this of course will be entirely unacceptable, the consequences then will be grave indeed…
This *neoliberal* totalitarianism is becoming really unhinged!
Akkor mind meghalunk.