Western political and media elites have once again initiated a technique they scurrilously used against Russia when it intervened to end their proxy war in Syria, that of Nazi-style demonization.
The same claims made back then that Russian high command was actively targeting civilians, school-children and hospital patients has returned in a similar scenario where the West is losing a proxy war.
You will know of the demonization of the Jews by the Nazis in the late Thirties and right through World War II. This is, I would contend, the most disgusting of all techniques deployed during warfare. It is a very old technique going back centuries however. One of the first instances of its use was during the crusades against the Muslim occupation of Jerusalem. As the Christian knights travelled through Europe seeking to recruit more warriors to their number the word was spread that the Muslim believers were killing Christian babies and drinking their blood. It no doubt proved an effective psychological tool at the time to boost their numbers with ever more hate-fuelled would-be killers.
So it is now that in desperation at the prospect of losing yet another war to Russia the same old disgusting technique is being trotted out along with assorted fakery regarding innocent children in harm’s way, desperate families depicted in various modes of alarm… all the usual psychological operations seen in Syria via the infamous White Helmets is beginning to be seen in Ukraine.
The ultranationalist sadists within Ukraine are helping the story along by shelling their own people, both in their homes and as they attempt to leave along humanitarian corridors set up by Russia. This provides the basic material for all the sob-stories designed to generate hatred toward Russia and sympathy toward the Ukrainian (and ultranationalist) cause. Soon without doubt we will hear the word ‘genocide’ used ever more frequently as these neo-Nazis pen masses of civilians in surrounded cities growing ever more hungry and desperate for any kind of sustenance. You can imagine the Belsen-like images that the Ukrainian authorities and their ultranationalist hordes would like to see appear on the front page of western broadsheets and tabloids along with headlines shouting ‘GENOCIDE!’. The same of course to be endlessly repeated within the western 24 hour news cycle.
The villains of the piece will never be the real culprits, the Ukrainian Army and the ultranationalists/neo-Nazis of course, it will be those ever evil Russians that are to be considered subhuman monsters deserving only a painful death. Any thought to report that Russia has no benefit at all to gain by doing any of this to the generally pro-Russian population of the south east of Ukraine would be quickly dismissed (perhaps as misinformation?)
Hopefully, though a slim hope, westerners will see how they are being taken for a very ugly ride once again, that they are being played for fools by their very own authorities, government and so-called journalists in unison with some of the most evil men and women on this planet, Ukrainian ultranationalists/neo-Nazis.