Our common survival rests on a choice: division or unity of purpose
It is clear that western elites perceive little incentive in working with nations they oppose politically and economically.
The West is waging a very obvious ideological war that has a far higher priority for them than creating a unified consensus against the many enormous threats facing humankind.
The path western elites are on quite obviously cannot lead anywhere but division in the short to medium term, even if their goal of victory over all other political systems succeeds.
Such division will lead to each power bloc desperately seeking to gain the resources needed solely for themselves from a dwindling supply. This will inevitably lead to a condition of ‘resource psychosis’, where the chaos of ever more war, with all that means in terms of chaos and instability, will feed an ever speedier descent into greater and greater darkness for humanity. Potentially terminal darkness.
With the effects of the pandemic still having devastating consequences on the physical level and most of the economic effects still to come, with climate change looming on the horizon and who knows what other threats face us, why does regime change feature as the clear priority of western elites, and of the USA and UK in particular?
There is no good reason other than these elites believe no further opportunity will be available to them in future if they do not push now for the hegemony they clearly believe they cannot do without. If allowed, China will clearly rise ever further and soon be quite out of reach of regime change tactics employed elsewhere. China will soon become impervious to all methodologies designed to weaken her to enable changes forcing a transfer of power designed to meet western needs.
China is clearly the highest priority for western elites. If the present patrician dominance of the West is to be maintained and even the slightest chance of full spectrum dominance of the USA globally, only a short window of opportunity exists within which to push forward with these agendas.
This is an extremely dangerous gamble that western elites are undertaking. They would say what they are doing is imperative for the freedom of mankind. However, the true mix of motivations and intentions is much more about self-interest regarding a long-held western elite status of racial/cultural exceptionalism.
Those pushing forward with this gamble to gain hegemony for the West at the possible expense of millions of lives are the exceptionalists. They have been in power since 9/11 and there are no signs currently that they are in any danger of losing power to those who favour unity and cooperation over the division and confrontation they advocate.
Those favouring unity of purpose are the internationalists, the international pragmatists, most of whom lost any influence after 9/11 and who even before had scant influence before the might of U.S. exceptionalism. They perceive the benefits that can be accrued from making agreements with existing power blocs, no matter how diverse their political systems may be. They retain the kind of pragmatism seen during the Cold War where the best was made of a difficult situation with dialogue taking place and agreement arrived at via diplomacy while a covert war, understood by both sides, raged on.
Since 9/11 the focus of the West has been one of an all-or-nothing scenario. This has enabled hard-liners to maintain their power and influence, always uncompromising, cutting every connection, refusing to engage in diplomacy, purely making demands accompanied with accusations and in general making the new war with the east even colder than the first.
The only bright path forward exists via the internationalists but there appears little to no chance that they can ever find their way to the top of the western elite power structure. The way is barred by too many roadblocks due to the entrenchment of the hawks who gained total supremacy after 9/11. Western elite minds are fixed in a mentality that far outdoes that of the Cold War at its worst. These mentalities are almost identical to that of Joe McCarthy during the U.S. 'Red Scare' of the Fifties.
With this kind of mindset holding supreme power in the West and all protocols agreed immediately after 9/11 set in stone, made totally unquestionable, and demanding complete elimination of all individual and systemic threats to the USA, there appears to be no hope for the internationalists or their visions of unity.
The dark path appears to have no turning. No u-turn seems possible.
The only hope there can possibly be in this situation is that the project by the West to gain hegemony fails completely enough and soon enough that an internationalist geopolitical paradigm can arise. The only way this can possibly occur is through the continued exponential economic rise of China and the pandemic-debilitated economic descent of the West.
China’s increasing economic rise within Europe will inexorably minimize U.S. influence. And not only in Europe, in Africa and elsewhere also. The economic rise of Russia will also have a contributory effect. These two allies can make all the difference. The possibility then of the elites of the USA with their allies in the UK and EU realizing their goals of maintaining present domination and asserting future global hegemony are lost would become a realistic prospect.
Clearly, they would be brought kicking and screaming to this realization, however.
It would only be in these circumstances in my view that the prospect of a brighter path for humanity would come into view.
The great danger is that by this time it would be too late for effective solutions to be agreed upon. The ravages of climate change may already be destroying all hope for mankind.
The stakes as you can see are incredibly high.
In my long-considered view, only one way forward can assure avoidance of the catastrophe western elites seem wholly determined to inflict upon us, the continued economic rise of China and Russia.