All’s fair in love and war the adage goes, correct?
What about U.S. elites weaponizing the kind of terrorists who killed almost 3,000 American citizens on 9/11 2001?
How fair, honest, decent and ethical is THAT?
This is precisely what U.S. elites did in Syria along with their British allies and they appearing to be actively seeking to do the same in Xinjiang, China.
The USA has done this before. During its campaign against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan it assisted those who later became al Qaeda with high-tech weaponry with which to target Red Army transports and helicopters.
In Syria any enemy of the regime change targets of the Syrian president, the Syrian government and military, was a friend in need for the USA. Anyone who thinks the USA differentiated between the so-called ‘moderate rebels’ and terrorist seeking to make an Islamist caliphate out of Syria is living in a parallel universe where western propaganda permeates it with not a single piece of contrary data anywhere to be found.
The same hold true for Iran. There is an organization called Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) that holds conferences in the United States where speakers such as John Bolton give speeches calling for them to take over there and become the new government in Tehran. The MEK has a long and inglorious history which includes fighting for Saddam Hussein in Iraq’s war with their home country Iran. The USA is actively weaponizing this terrorist army for use in overthrowing the leadership in Iran.
In China the USA is intent on using Uyghur militants who have been fighting in Afghanistan and Syria to destabilize the Xinjiang region there. They have recently de-categorized the organization containing many Uyghur fighters formerly designated as a terrorist entity and appear to be fomenting chaos in Xinjiang through their use. While this is going on a variety of propaganda memes are being used to demonize the Chinese authorities making false claims about genocide, forced sterilization and concentration camps in the region.
The USA was also active in fomenting unrest in Hong Kong in recent times funneling money and other means of support to the activists and rioters who were seeking to generate a campaign to have Hong Kong secede from China. This was done mainly through Non-governmental organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
In Ukraine the USA was guilty of gross interference in the affairs of another sovereign state by training activists within the U.S. embassy to be weaponized against the democratically elected president and government of Ukraine. Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State department along with Geoffrey Pyatt, then U.S. ambassador in Kiev worked to enable a takeover of the Ukrainian state and along with senator John McCain actively supported those attempting to overthrow the legal authorities in Ukraine. The rioters on Kiev’s Maidan Square who were attempting to kill the police there using any means possible were framed by President Barack Obama as “peaceful protestors”.
In Venezuela the elites of the USA have actively supported the most violent thugs within Venezuela in their effort to undermine the president and government there. Venezuela is merely the latest of a litany of crimes by the USA in Latin America which have run the whole gamut from coups to assassinations to the financing and training of terrorist groups such as the Contras in Nicaragua who perpetrated some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity ever known. This group was actively assisted by the Reagan administration secretly funneling money to them from the proceeds of what became known as the ‘Iran-Contra’ scandal.
The above examples are only a very few from the litany of crimes perpetrated by the USA under cover of attempting to spread “freedom and democracy”.
The examples above describe a consistent pattern of the U.S. elites assisting terrorists and other criminally violent groups to overthrow the leadership of sovereign nations who have never perpetrated a single act of war against them.
Only a blind and deaf person with no other access to information but western mainstream news could think otherwise than that the USA along with allies such as the UK was a state sponsor of terrorism and criminality overseas as a policy of government over successive administrations.
These activities continue at the heart and behest of every successive U.S. administration and the methods involved will be used against any individual or nation that it deems a suitable candidate for such treatment with no respect or adherence to international law whatsoever.
These abuses are quite incontrovertible and can be found in the historical record. Yet they raise hardly a murmur in the West, not by the vast majority of mainstream media staff at any level and certainly not by any prominent political figures. These crimes against humanity pass in succession in virtual silence giving a mute approval to encourage even more to be perpetrated with total immunity given to the perpetrators.
It is therefore certain that we will see many more instances of this criminal activity and terrorist acts presented as acts of laudable bravery by “freedom fighters” only intent on selflessly liberating others. This the level of amorality that infests UK and U.S. elites who deliver death and destruction while framing it as some sort of victory for humanity.
These are the cynical and callous activities of western amoral elites who weaponize terrorist and ultra-violent proxy forces worldwide.
‘Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States CIA and supported by some Arab intelligence services, such as the security service in Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2012 or 2013, it supplied money, weaponry and training to rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War. According to US officials, the program was run by the CIA's Special Activities Division and has trained thousands of rebels. President Barack Obama secretly authorized the CIA to begin arming Syria's embattled rebels in 2013.
The program's existence was suspected after the US Federal Business Opportunities website publicly solicited contract bids to ship tons of weaponry from Eastern Europe to Taşucu, Turkey and Aqaba, Jordan.’ (Wikipedia)
‘The European Union, Canada, the United States, and Japan have previously listed the MEK as a terrorist organization. This designation has since been lifted,after a legal battle launched by the PMOI, first by the Council of the European Union on 26 January 2009, by the U.S. government on 21 September 2012, by the Canadian government on 20 December 2012, and by the Japanese government in 2013. The MEK is designated as a terrorist organization by Iran and Iraq. In June 2004, the U.S. had designated members of the MEK to be ‘protected persons’ under the Geneva Convention IV, relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which expired in 2009 after the attainment of the full sovereignty of Iraq.
Critics have described the group as "resembling a cult". Those who back the MEK describe the group as proponents of "a free and democratic Iran" that could become the next government there.’ (Wikipedia)