If you have been paying attention rather than keeping your head down hoping to remain oblivious you will know that the world is at war.
The war which has been waged for well over a decade now is waged by one side only. There is a single belligerent, a single aggressor and a single power motivated to instigate and promulgate war with all the divisive tactics that such bullies always use.
Those that the western bully is waging war against are those nations that refuse to do what the bully tells them. The scenario is one well known to those who have ever been part of an abusive relationship. No amount of ameliorative communication, enticements or efforts to engage in diplomacy work for long on such a warlike aggressor. No matter how optimistic the situation grows or how many agreements are made the fundamental motivations requiring dominance inevitably surfaces once more.
The USA and the UK are the composite bully in question, at times aided and abetted by most nations within the EU and particularly by its chief range of elites. These two and their allies are hell-bent on a destructive and divisive course in their relation with nations they wish to undermine and any apparent diplomacy will inevitably be found to be mere sophistry, tricks to dupe intended victims into extending their vulnerability.
There is little to no self-awareness involved in this war. The number among the western elites waging it who think in terms contrary to the accepted norms of the vast majority must be shrinkingly small. No acceptance exists for any alternate viewpoint other than the group-thought standard whereby the western elite cabal are all-saintly and all opposed to them painted as black as pitch.
The fascistic mentality at the exceptional heart of the western elite mentality is totally opaque to its adherents. Their heavily blinkered mentality allows only a single narrow hole through which to view the world. No other reality is allowed to interfere with that which permeates their firmly bounded skulls.
War has been inevitable for many decades now, brought on by the belief in western elite circles that only within their ranks are those who have the god-given right to rule and that any others can only be charlatans and usurpers. Of course, this is bolstered mightily by the knowledge that all the wealth and power they hold and all that they still covet is at risk by the rise of the others they now put in a frame named ‘enemies’ and ‘adversaries’. In truth, they are primarily simply being outdone in their own terms of what constitutes a successful economy and a successful governing elite that successfully seeks to guide it. China is thus the main ‘enemy’. Russia comes next. After these two are others who obstinately refuse to obey the commands of the western elites to come to heel.
The West is quite clearly and obviously the aggressor across the board. It alone seeks to command and cajole, threaten, blackmail and commit acts of national violence against sovereign states in the modern age. That it has created a series of cover stories regarding ‘human rights’, ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ should blind no one to the murderous criminality with which it has flouted international law in recent years.
No one should be in any doubt regarding this latter fact. It is in plain sight and evidence for it accumulates day after day after day. The disease the western world suffers from is written on its very skin these days. No longer does anyone have to bury themselves in a library reading its exploits of days gone by. You can read the symptoms of the mental plague western elites suffer from in your daily newspaper and watch it progress like the plague on your TV nightly.
This war is about economics and power. The elites of the West are addicted to both. Their brains are totally fixated upon their narrow self-interest and no possible opening for self-awareness or self-examination exists within them. To maintain and if possible expand its economic interests, wealth and power those addicted to their continuing benefit to the detriment of all others will clearly savage the world as much as necessary to do so.
Only the deterioration of the western power base can challenge the murderous domination which western elites have enjoyed as of right until now. This is why China is in the crosshairs of these elites and will remain so now until their ‘vision’ is blurred by economic decline, steady influence reduction and overall leaking out of their over-inflated power base.Â
A multipolar world is emerging which will do all of the above. Until the appropriate tipping point is achieved however the elites of the western world will resemble nothing less than terminally ill rabid dogs snarling at every conceived enemy teeth bared and claws readied. They WILL die… but they will certainly go down fighting.