First posted 20th February 2022.
There is no longer any upholding of principles regarding integrity within the ranks of the West's various elites. They conceive their continual dishonesty and deceit is justified due to their being at war.
"What war is that?", some may ask, those who pay scant attention to anything but the most banal of news items and reading matter.
It is a war that is hard to miss for those with eyes to see and ears to hear however. And it is a world war, not some local skirmish. It is the war being waged by western elites to maintain their power of influence over the world. It is a war made infinitely worse, or at least perpetual due to the desired end goal, engendered by 9/11.
The goal is complete domination of all potential or actual sources of insecurity regarding their power and its maintenance. This is a goal that can be described in many ways using many phrases. It requires 'full spectrum dominance' by 'The West (to use shorthand to describe all the elites involved within the political, media and military fields). It demands submission by all possible entities to western demands. It needs the absolute security of complete oversight and manipulative access and control. Ultimately it requires a prison planet where no danger of any kind is or will ever be allowed to exist which could endanger the USA (and extremely secondarily, its allies).
To engender, foster and establish the ambition described above no weapon is being omitted from the West's arsenal. Every weapon ever used to subvert, undermine, weaken, destroy and eliminate an enemy is being deployed, and has been deployed for over a decade now. The end goal is of such overwhelming importance to each of the elites named that a uniform willingness to use even the dirtiest and most unprincipled weapons at their disposal are in constant use.
Torture, kidnap (rendition), mass slaughter (invasion/proactive intervention) and a host of activist-enabled propaganda programs, black and psychological operations, the prostitution of all western mainstream journalism and the creation of a vacuum chamber of lies within the West has been knowingly promulgated and constantly expanded with no limits required or sought for regarding frequency of use, strength of application or damage caused. All are simply expedient methodologies found necessary to achieve the goal of a prison planet in the service of U.S. security.
So the saying goes, 'Truth is the first casualty of war'. And with the requirement for truth goes every requirement for obeying the agreed norms of warfare. Thus we have the entire western elite edifice currently. In total war mode nothing is allowed to be left to chance. Entire populations of the West must be fed the required narratives and must hear only the approved talking points. No 'other side' of any issue or event which contradicts, rebuts or even allows for questioning of state-required views, opinions or statements can be allowed to be given credence but must be treated with complete scepticism, howled down and portrayed as the evil tactics of the constant and absolutely evil enemy.
No past willingness to see all sides of any picture is to be contemplated while the war continues and even the remotest possibility of defeat remains. Total loyalty and obedience is required and any refusal to submit to the strictures involved will bring punishment in their wake where it is considered popular appeal could result. Objectivity disappears in such an atmosphere where prominent sources are identified and cancelled as a matter of routine. Even those who continue to seek it are cowed into silence biding their time, hoping for better days. Others, produce the materials for the war effort they know will guarantee them professional safety. Silence for them is their most effective protection and that of all those who depend upon the continued receipt of their salaries.
The entire elite superstructure of the western world has been honed to this dysfunctional shape of draconian insistence on the 'right viewpoint', the 'correct approach' and the helpful weaponising of speech and the written word. The vacuum chamber of truth in relation to Ukraine is the current most obvious example of just how far the rot within the western world regarding truth-telling has gone. The killing field of silence, with the first two deaths just reported in the Lugansk region, will be continued with even more rigour than it has been for the previous eight years in south-eastern Ukraine. Countless atrocities went unreported in the West, no pleas for mercy were heard, no reports of any kind from the villages, towns and cities under fire from the Ukrainian army, its associated militias, militants and mercenaries were heard.
The latest censorship of all war crimes now being perpetrated by the forces named above is total. Meanwhile the truth is turned on its head with claims of Russian wrongdoing, provocations and any number of negative claims that can be dredged up from the minds in control of information from the front line in this war. The degradation of all principles regarding the communication of facts in anything approaching honesty has been totally and absolutely abandoned in the furtherance of the ultimate goal of creating the de facto prison planet described above.
It represents nothing less than the death of all honesty of the entire cabal of western elites in the furtherance of their goal, a de facto prison planet they alone dominate and control.