How has western mainstream media changed since 9/11? When western national interests are at stake is its mission to regulate us in line with state narratives & goals rather than to inform us?
The events of 9/11 caused most western political and media entities to shut down and shut up who had previously felt themselves free to criticise the foreign policies of the western powers and their proxies. From the events of 9/11 onward this became universally seen across western mainstream media as bad form. Western politicians and western mainstream media simultaneously fell completely silent regarding all negative aspects of West-generated activity. This code of silence remains to this day and continues, in conjunction with full support of western foreign policy, to condemn all those these policies seek to attack, eliminate and replace.
Before 9/11, as those of us old enough to remember will recall, there were numerous entities within the mainstream who could be relied upon, at least to an extent, to hold western leaders to account. Post 9/11 these, without exception, fell silent on the iniquities involved with western foreign policy and instead dedicated themselves to blindly supporting it. Those that Washington, London or Brussels said were enemies of the West western mainstream media also attacked. The narratives that emerged from western state officials were faithfully echoed by western mainstream media without fail.
Over the years since 9/11 the United Nations, once a forum where fierce criticism of western foreign policy was heard, was also largely silenced, at least in this respect. From the bugging of national representatives’ phones on the eve of resolution votes demanding war against Iraq, the UN has been reduced to a largely quiescent gathering where criticism of western foreign policy decisions is extremely rare and mostly confined to only very few delegates. This was particularly evident during the shelling of the Russian-speaking populations of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of eastern Ukraine from 2014 onward. The UN, despite the daily death toll among young and old in these regions, which eventually totalled over 10,000 souls, was extremely muted.
No one should discount the effect of 9/11 in shutting down discussion of U.S. crimes against humanity perpetrated with claimed impunity through its ‘exceptional’ view of itself as seen via its concept of ‘manifest destiny’ to mould the entire world in its image. 9/11 gave those who had long awaited it the opportunity to flex the military muscles of the USA at will without the need to fear any meaningful criticism from any quarter. The traditional allies of the USA and many who had previously kept a modicum of distance from it, were easily maneuvered into joining the so-called ‘Coalition of the Willing’. The remnants of that coalition remain a strongly influential factor until today even as it begins to fray significantly at the edges.
With the rise of BRICS we see the beginnings of a movement away from the strings that were attached to many nations via 9/11, strings that enabled control of attitudes, viewpoints and certainly statements by nations previously held firmly within the western orbit. The power of those events on 9/11 over those nations who submitted to the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ are steadily weakening. The economic rise of China is a prominent factor in this weakening, as has been the strident voice of Russia against its domination by the USA and its proxies. Vladimir Putin stated this position clearly with no possibility for misunderstanding in his famous Munich speech in February of 2007.
It was 9/11 that put rocket boosters under the concept of a US-dominated world and stimulated those with a mind to in that nation to use all means considered necessary to bring that goal about. This, it was believed, was the only way a possible future 9/11-type event could be prevented with absolute certainty. Only a world dominated by the USA and its proxies, where universal surveillance was achieved, could guarantee the kind of total security that was believed essential post-9/11. These twin goals remain firmly in place and serve in large part to explain the relentless push against Russia using Ukraine as the current weapon of choice. The goal demands that first Russia, then China be subjugated by whatever means are required. Nothing at that point can seriously stand in the way of global surveillance and a system of punishments to keep all potential threats neutralised.
The entire panoply of western mainstream media is totally supportive of the goals above. To achieve these goals a number of strategies are in place, one of them being the weakening of western populations to the point where they will meekly accept all that their states subject them to. This is why the so-called authoritarian regimes of Russia, China, Iran and others are seen as a threat, they vehemently reject the liberal, anything goes milieu that western states have foisted on their populations. They then, by remaining strong, with social strength in depth, represent the primary hope through the maintenance of traditional lifestyles, of those of us who are resisting the so-called ‘woke’ infantilism of the West.
Look for no sign of assistance on the quest to maintain our traditional strengths from western mainstream media, it is fully on board to weaken us all to levels of submission unheard of in times past. It will, while constantly promoting the softening up process of anything goes liberalism, pour western state narratives regarding geopolitical “foes” into hearts and minds. Without exception those “enemies” are those who hold fast to traditional, well-tested and strong lifestyles that are in fact their only hope of survival against a western world determined to subjugate them. We must stay strong to survive. We must resist the temptation to be seduced by the limp-wristed wokism of the West. And above all to completely abandon any linkage remaining to the poison of western mainstream media.