A dirty war is being waged in Ukraine, however, it is not the dirty war as alleged by the BBC, CNN and all others across the western mainstream press and media.
This dirty war includes blatant lies transmitted by activists to such as the BBC, CNN et al. These lies are then transmitted as factual to western audiences already traumatized by the thought of all that war brings. The lies being told are not the worst aspect of this war however, the absolute worst aspect comes with the deliberate instigation of death and destruction through both false flag operations by either the Ukrainian Army or the extremist ultra-nationalist militias that are also present at the front line. It is quite likely elements within both are perpetrating these crimes against their own people.
Russia has nothing to gain from attacking the civilian population of Ukraine, let alone hospitals and schools as claimed by the Ukrainian authorities. Such lies are not new however, the same claims that Russian officers woke up each morning wondering how many civilians, school children and hospital patients he can kill that day were heard even in the United Nations by the U.S. representatives concerning Syria. This is a blatant Nazi technique of demonization of ‘the other’. It is no coincidence that in both instances the western proxies were being defeated.
This has become the most ferocious and integrity-free propaganda war humanity has seen in recent times. Even World War II cannot match it due to the world wide web of deceit that can now be spun by just a few taps of a keyboard anywhere. Truth was the first casualty of this war alright, but the war began long before Russia’s incursion into Ukraine a week ago.
Until February of 2007 Vladimir Putin was widely accepted across the western world. George W. Bush looked into his eyes and saw a decent person with integrity there. Putin was wined and dined across the West, even being granted an audience with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. But then, in 2007 he made the mistake that would dog him from that point on. He stood up to address the assembled elites of the western world and the great and good of the entire world at the 43rd Munich Security Conference and stated very clearly and with no possible ambiguity that Russia would not sign up to the USA and its allies being the dictators of the entire planet making it a unipolar world in perpetuity. He called for the greater democracy that a multipolar world would bring where responsible powers would unite to agree common action on the great threats facing humanity.
In those moments as John McCain of the USA and others of his status heard Putin’s words it was enough to make him persona non grata, a pariah and Public Enemy #1 across the western world. All we have seen since has not been due to anything Putin has done since that time and certainly not what he has been repeatedly accused of, it has been due to this one fact… he said Russia was not going to be dominated and told what to do by a dictatorship of ANY kind. She had been near such a situation due to the Nazis in World War II and she was never going to allow such a thing in any guise, ever again.
When 9/11 occurred Putin was the first to call George W. Bush and offer Russia’s help. This was not merely words, Putin gave the go-ahead for the USA to use the most convenient routes and bases to engage the Taliban in Afghanistan when they shielded Osama bin Laden from facing justice.
Putin’s help provided to the USA after 9/11 was not enough to save him after 2007. Everything that happened after 2007 that could possibly be laid at his door or that of Russia was placed there and western populations were conditioned relentlessly and ceaselessly that Putin was to blame for every negative event that could possibly by hook or by unlikely crook be pinned upon him. The lurid magazine covers depicting Putin as a monster and new Hitler started hitting the news shelves in 2007 and have been seen regularly ever since. What was a largely (and surprisingly still) gullible western population, too busy with other things in their lives. and generally uninterested in taking the time and expending the effort to investigate in depth, can hardly be blamed for accepting what they heard from the same sources that spoke of Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
During the long Syrian war the western world was treated to act one of the new dirty methods that were tailored to suit the media and image-fixated world of today. Almost anything can be said now when couched in the new forms that masquerade as journalism. Unidentified sources are commonplace. Activists say this or that and newspapers or TV news reports can simply convey it as news. No attribution is required. Sources close to… and so forth. In times past three separate sources were required before a story could be aired. Now in this western war mode milieu within a 24 hour news cycle just about anything that fits the correct narrative, agenda and current talking points can get printed and/or aired.
So it is that Russia is accused of attacking a nuclear power plant in Ukraine. (This bald statement as conveyed across the western world recently was hugely false if the incident is examined in detail.)
Russia is now accused of actively targeting civilians, civilian homes, hospitals and schools. These are all examples of black propaganda and obvious examples if the facts are accessed. But how many will access them when access to all sites and TV stations airing them are blocked or banned?
The facts, as far as I can ascertain are these:
Russia has every incentive to avoid causing ANY civilian casualties. Its mission in Ukraine has been at a slow pace for this very reason. Russia continues to supply natural gas through Ukraine and observers not aligned with western mainstream media have pointed out the slow progress of the Russian campaign in many respects and the lack of any attacks on vital infrastructure.
So why do we hear of and see images of devastation, burning buildings and civilian deaths?
In my view none of this could possibly benefit the Russian cause and I see no earthly reason why Russia would cause such atrocities and wilful damage. Much of the war is in the south-east where the civilian population is largely extremely pro-Russian, speaks Russian and looks to Russia for help. Why would Russia attack them?
No, in my mind there has to be a different dark genesis to these attacks. So what could it be?
Perhaps you are aware that a very large minority in western Ukraine don’t see the civilian population of eastern Ukraine as Ukrainians at all, they consider them to be Russians and call them ‘Moskals’. In 2014 these ‘Moskals’ rose up after the political leaders they had helped elect were deposed by a violent mob of insurrectionists on Maidan Square, Kiev. That left them ruled over by a political elite, hand-picked by the USA who saw them as needing to reject their own language (Russian) and instead use only Ukrainian. This ruling elite threatened everything those in the south-east (known as the Donbass) held dear, their cultural legacy, their language, their traditions and allegiances and of course their good relationship with Russia and Russians with whom they shared a border.
The people of the Donbass, as had done the people of Crimea, chose to safeguard themselves, their culture, language and all else from those they had seen burning, destroying and murdering on Kiev’s Maidan. It was a decision that you could characterize as a ‘no-brainer’. They knew what was coming, a campaign to force them to speak Ukrainian, to forgo all relationships with those they considered brothers and sisters in Russia (and you can imagine how many inter-marriages there were in that population.) They took things into their own hands. If howling ultra-nationalists hurling bricks, shooting handguns, wielding clubs, Molotov cocktails and an array of other weapons could protest a reality then so could they. So, they took over the administration of the two new republics they then set up. This was bloodless. Not a single person died. What happened then? Kiev sent in the army.
It was not only the Ukrainian Army that came to the Donbass but many of those hate-fueled insurrectionists who had done their utmost to kill the lightly-armed young police there also came. They set up their mortars and began firing undirected shells into the villages, towns and cities of the Donbass. What did they care who was hit, they were all ‘Moskals’, weren’t they? They deserved to die. These undirected mortar shells (they had no target information) hit the nearest high rise building in their way, residential tower blocks of which there are a great many across the ex-Communist countries, hospitals and schools. If they didn’t hit these but passed in between they would randomly hit the streets and urban centres of those same villages, towns and cities. The images emerging from this onslaught were traumatising to witness, Old men, women, children, teenagers at the start of their lives, young and old of every age, quite clearly civilians. Women who had been out doing their shopping or killed in their kitchens, schoolchildren who had been playing football in their school playground. None of it mattered to those doing the shelling. They were just ‘Moskals’… Russians.
Did any of this reach western audiences at the time? It did not. I watched intently from the winter of 2013-14 onward and observed the carnage and destruction wreaked on the defenceless population of the Donbass by their fellow Ukrainians. The BBC, CNN et al reported none of it in their narrowly focused quest to find dirt on Russia, imagined, or fabricated, it didn’t matter… as long as it could be used to condition their western audiences.
This is exactly where we are at this very moment. The BBC, CNN and their ilk are using the very same playbook now. “Blame the Russians” is the game. That those Ukrainian troops or militias being forced to end their reign of terror in the Donbass or elsewhere are engaging in a scorched earth policy is never even brought into the discussion, it can’t be, because these news entities are no longer neutral and have not been so since 2007 at the latest. They are now just an arm of western states, compliant to their needs and complicit in their actions.
This is where we are now as we stand on the blood-red threshold of World War III and these media entities are doing their utmost to usher us in.