Do you feel it too?
The lack of anything approaching responsible or knowledgeable control across the western world?
Do you feel also that we are all now being driven toward some catastrophic fate by people obsessed by issues far from those we normally associate with them?
It appears lunatics have taken over the asylum.
And what this will lead to is becoming ever more clear.
It is almost as if there is no centre to anything anymore, no compass by which we are guided, lost on a journey in a speeding train where the brakes have failed, a headlong journey toward an immovable barrier in a juggernaut driven by maniacs.
What will our conclusions be as economic disaster hits? Can anyone make sense of what’s happening now, its root causes and where all this increasing recklessness is taking us?
I will try.
It starts with a singularity event. 9/11.
This event set us all on the road to disaster and caused the myopia, the singularity of focus, that destroyed the necessary maintenance that each day of our communal life together requires. All else but the necessities due to 9/11 took second place, every pragmatic policy was abandoned, policies that kept us on the ‘straight and narrow’ as is said, the diplomacy, the compromises that stave off increasing chaos leading to war. Normal common sense running of the world’s geopolitical affairs was suddenly abandoned.
What we are living through now stems directly from that abandonment of realpolitik, the sudden tearing up of the well-documented means of stabilising relationships in the face of competing ambitions. All gone. Replaced by choices informed by extremes, policies predicated upon an extremely narrow range with perpetual confrontation at their heart.
We all know how this goes. When extreme emotions are at play and force suddenly overtakes reason. In whatever situation where the emotional temperature rises to overcome all our better senses and we do things which under normal conditions we would not. And we all surely know that the consequences of such actions can be disastrous.
In the geopolitical sphere this holds true also. As we can see now. 9/11 is still at the centre of all that is going on now, the emotional pitch of the days after burned it into the communal soul of every western political leader and all who came after.
There can be little doubt that they are aware of just how recklessly they are acting. But not one of them has anything near the power to make any change to what has become hard-wired into the western elite soul. Even though this group-thought they share and group commitment they all must obey will quite obviously bring catastrophe down on tens of millions they are aware they have no choice but to continue.
And they will take this right to the bitter end as they are completely impotent as individuals to do a damn thing to stop it moving inexorably forward.