In recent days and weeks known criminal state entities in the USA and UK whose hands have run with blood in recent years are attempting to look like saints and holier-than-thou virgins.
These state entities have perpetrated the mass murder of hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria over the past decade a half and the kidnapping and torturing of hundreds if not thousands.
These western state criminals have used their influence over a complicit mainstream media to negate and downplay these crimes against humanity which were committed with verbal fig-leafs of various lies.
Not one of the individuals in the highest positions of these criminal state entities has gone on trial let alone gone to jail for their crimes.
Multiple nations in the Middle East have been fractured and brought to a state of chaos and penury through their actions, the consequences of which will last for generations to come.
But do we see any signs of contrition if not justice?
No, not even that.
If you listen to any of those responsible they will be talking about how all their actions were correct and they would do the very same again given the chance. Anthony Blair, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condaleeza Rice, Colin Powell... ask any of these mass murdering liars and war criminals and you will here the same thing.
Now those who have taken their places within the criminal state enterprises involved which have experienced no criticism in official circles at all let alone demands that they account for their actions, want to point bloody fingers at others.
In the last few days they have become sanctions-happy, firing off accusations at China, Russia and a near half dozen others as if they are permanently perched on some moral high ground.
That mound they squat on is a mass grave. It wreaks of rotting corpses, leaks crimson red endlessly and those white shapes around their fat haunches are not doves but broken bones.
That such callous sociopaths can point at others and accuse them of crimes against human rights while the offices they hold have destroyed an entire region of the world because they had the power and the PR deceptions to do it is as sick an endeavor as you’ll come across in this world.
These people should be ashamed of themselves to work for states that caused mass bloodshed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen and 40,000+ deaths in Venezuela through inhuman sanctions. And let’s not forget the estimated 500,000 children who died in Iraq during the sanctions regime that led up to the illegal war against that nation.
These nations and officials ought to international pariahs, certainly not persons treated with any respect. To treat such people with respect is akin to bowing before terrorists.
And to find them accusing others as if their hands were clean and all the past crimes of their offices have been erased is brutally obvious hypocrisy, brass-necked arrogance and terminal cynicism all wrapped up in one.
Vampires cannot be allowed to pose as blood donors.
Vultures of the U.S. and UK war criminal states have no right to signal anything but their apologies for past crimes.
There must be no allowance for virtue signalling when virtue is so very obviously, brutally and transparently absent.