Certain catchphrases appear always to be agreed upon where the top echelons of western political elites meet. And once the required hymn sheet has been selected for a particular era the western elite choir tend to sing from it faithfully and without fail.
Whether those elites appear in the rose garden of the White House, sitting around conference tables in Brussels or at NATO HQ they make sure they echo whatever memo has emerged to assign them an agenda and the semantic narrative to be followed.
Whatever the chosen target for regime change is there is always a particular meme designed for broad distribution. Reagan had ‘The Evil Empire’ and ‘The Free World’. Bush had his ‘War on Terror’ and the entire spiel of an entirely innocent USA wronged by vile evil-doers. Obama used the sanctimonious tones of America the Exceptional and 'Yes We Can (Destroy Libya). Trump and Pompeo, in their brain-challenged ineptitude and creative vacuum could only hurl pathetic insults and slanderous allegations at China.
But what has emerged from the Biden administration? Some new innovative language? Hardly.
Only a series of constantly repeated sound bytes that echo Reagan’s 'Free World’, a cascade of noxious lies and hypocritical, self-awarded plaudits.
The quest is clearly to set western nations as the exemplars for others to be judged against and for those judgements to give the thumbs up of approval to western elites to attack those judged. International law can then be bypassed due to those nations falling so far below western standards that they become fair game. The green light is given to attack them using whatever method will do most damage.
Among these sound bytes awarding the West 'best’ status are the following:
‘Western Liberal Values’ often shortened simply to ‘Western Values’. The current regime change targets ain’t got ‘em. The phrase “they don’t share our values” is a dead certain sign that whatever nation is being talked about is having a war waged against it of one kind or another by the West. It seems this is enough to have a cabal of nations gathered against you now. One of the West’s “values” is apparently ignoring international law which requires that a nation attack you before you have the right to attack them. But what does international law matter to western elites? They have assigned themselves an elevated status far above such inconvenient barriers.
Which brings us to ‘Rules Based Order’, yet another soundbyte you will hear. The West adheres to this apparently. Though the many illegal wars it has perpetrated in recent times (see above for the legitimate justification for one) belie the claim that the West adheres to any such rules based order. Those western elites accuse of not abiding by this rules based order, i.e. Russia and China were ironically two out of the three nations who opposed the West’s illegal regime change wars. Spinning lies doesn’t get much more iniquitous than the way western elites do it, they are past masters.
The pose then is of a free, noble and ever-innocent West, always acting with the very best intent adhering to set rules and acting as the indisputably pure guardian of the very best values possible.
How many who have seen the filthy underbelly of life in the USA and UK can recognize the statement above as fact? How many who know of the Madoff’s, the Epstein’s, the Saville’s, the financial wheeling and dealing, the Opioid epidemic, the Covid chaos, the porno paradises, the drug, gambling, prostitution, the war mongering, hyper-capitalist exploitation, corruption and political insanity can recognize that statement above as fact?
Western values? Really??
A Rules Based Order? Ask any Afghani, Iraqi, Syrian, Libyan or Yemeni about that claim.
The truth is that western elites create a facade of self-promoting lies to promote their iniquitous wars, and the above are simply the latest.
Most human beings have similar values. A good education for their children. Decent life chances where stability and peace are present are valued highly along with access to employment and health care.
What have western elites brought anyone in recent years?
In the Middle East for instance? None of the above. The reverse of the above in fact.
The claims western elites make for their societies ring hollow, they are merely a very cynical exercise in the manipulation of western populations and a synthesis of think tank propaganda prepared to endlessly wage war on others.
As George Carlin memorably said: “It’s all bullshit folks, and it’s bad for ya.”
What values come to mind when you think of the West?
And what western elite ‘rules based order’ can you discern?
Any at all?